
Latest version: v1.13.7

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__New or Updated Modules/UtilCmds:__
* `common.bios_smi` - Changed test logic to execute test even when TCOSMIEnable and GlobalSMIEnable controls are not defined.
* `common.cpu.cpu_info` - Added comment(s) to be included in chipsec-manual update
* `common.cpu.ia_untrusted` - Added comment(s) to be included in chipsec-manual update
* `common.cpu.spectre_v2` - Fixed error in uefi shell for spectre v2 test
* `common.me_mfg_mode` - Updated comment(s) to be included in chipsec-manual update
* `tools.vmm.hv.hypercall` - Updated imports to fix issue when generating chipsec-manual update
* `tools.vmm.hv.hypercallfuzz` - Updated imports to fix issue when generating chipsec-manual update
* `tools.vmm.hv.synth_dev` - Updated imports to fix issue when generating chipsec-manual update
* `tools.vmm.hv.synth_kbd` - Updated imports to fix issue when generating chipsec-manual update
* `tools.vmm.hv.vmbus` - Updated imports to fix issue when generating chipsec-manual update
* `tools.vmm.hv.vmbusfuzz` - Updated imports to fix issue when generating chipsec-manual update
* `tools.vmm.xen.hypercall` - Updated imports to fix issue when generating chipsec-manual update
* `tools.vmm.xen.hypercallfuzz` - Updated imports to fix issue when generating chipsec-manual update
* `utilcmd.mem_cmd` - Updated comment(s) to be included in chipsec-manual update
* `utilcmd.mmcfg_base_cmd` - Broke out base function from mmcfg_cmd for ease of argparse implementation
* `utilcmd.mmcfg_cmd` - Updated CLI to use argparse
* `utilcmd.msgbus_cmd` - Updated CLI to use argparse
* `utilcmd.reg_cmd` - Updated CLI to use argparse
* `utilcmd.spd_cmd` - Updated CLI to use argparse
* `utilcmd.spidesc_cmd` - Updated CLI to use argparse
* `utilcmd.vmm_cmd` - Updated CLI to use argparse

__New or Updated Configurations:__
* `8086/sfdp` - Added/updated comment(s) to be included in chipsec-manual update

__Removed Modules:__
* None

__Additional Changes:__
* `AUTHORS` - Updated authors document
* `chipsec-manual.pdf` - Updated manual
* `chipsec.chipset` - Added log message to print actual DIDs if using -p or --pch
* `chipsec_main` - Added very verbose command-line option (-vv)
* `chipsec_util` - Added very verbose command-line option (-vv)
* `drivers/linux/Makefile` - Fixed build error on latest Ubuntu
* `drivers/linux/chipsec_km.c` - Added support for accessing the kernel symbols by reading /proc/kallsyms directly
* `drivers/linux/chipsec_km.c` - Expanded the conditional compilation based on d02624b to support more PaX/GRsec kernel
* `hal.interrupts` - Fixed typos
* `hal.msgbus` - Updated comment(s) to be included in chipsec-manual update
* `hal.spd` - Fixed Python3 decode error
* `hal.spd` - Updated comment(s) to be included in chipsec-manual update

__Additional Notes:__
* __For Windows users, please rebuild your windows driver as updates have been made.__
* __For Windows, Linux and MacOS: Python2 support has been deprecated as of June 2020. Please use Python3.__
* Any modules under the `` directory have not yet been fully validated to work with Python3.

__New Module Details:__

Module Name | Supported Platforms | Flags
:---: | :---: | :---:


__New or Updated Modules/UtilCmds:__
* `common.me_mfg_mode` - Updated to assign and return self.res
* `tools.vmm.hv.hypercallfuzz` - Fixed typos in strings
* `tools.vmm.hv.synth_dev` - Fixed typos in strings
* `tools.vmm.hv.synth_kbd` - Fixed typos in strings
* `tools.vmm.hv.vmbusfuzz` - Fixed typos in strings
* `utilcmd.tpm_cmd` - Updated util to use argparse
* `utilcmd.ucode_cmd` - Updated util to use argparse
* `utilcmd.vmem_cmd` - Updated util to use argparse

__New or Updated Configurations:__
* None

__Removed Modules:__
* None

__Additional Changes:__
* `hal.uefi_common` - Updated variable name to remove the word "slave"
* `hal.uefi_platform` - Updated variable name to remove the word "slave"
* `helper.efi.efihelper` - Updated va2pa function signature to match other helper's
* `setup` - Updated to not skip decompression tools when running with --skip_driver
* `tests.hardware.test_generic` - Added legacy support to unit test functions in test_generic

__Additional Notes:__
* __For Windows users, please rebuild your windows driver as updates have been made.__
* __For Windows, Linux and MacOS: Python2 support has been deprecated as of June 2020. Please use Python3.__
* Any modules under the `` directory have not yet been fully validated to work with Python3.

__New Module Details:__

Module Name | Supported Platforms | Flags
:---: | :---: | :---:


__New or Updated Modules/UtilCmds:__
* `utilcmd.iommu_cmd` - Updated command to use argparse
* `utilcmd.mem_cmd` - Updated command to use argparse
* `utilcmd.msr_cmd` - Updated command to use argparse
* `utilcmd.smbus_cmd` - Updated command to use argparse
* `utilcmd.spi_cmd` - Updated command to use argparse

__New or Updated Configurations:__
* None

__Removed Modules:__
* None

__Additional Changes:__
* `docs.sphinx.uefiinstall` - Updated URLs
* `hal.uefi_common` - Updated to pass string not array to EFI_GUID_STR from parse_sb_db
* `` - Updated twitter mentions
* `` - Implemented cpuid method for mock_helper

__Additional Notes:__
* __For Windows users, please rebuild your windows driver as updates have been made.__
* __For Windows, Linux and MacOS: Python2 support has been deprecated as of June 2020. Please use Python3.__
* Any modules under the `` directory have not yet been fully validated to work with Python3.

__New Module Details:__

Module Name | Supported Platforms | Flags
:---: | :---: | :---:


__New or Updated Modules/UtilCmds:__
* `common.secureboot.variables` - Changed verbiage around "Blacklist" and "Whitelist" to use neutral terms
* `tools.smm.smm_ptr` - Fixed python3 str/bytes issue
* `tools.uefi.blacklist.json` > `tools.uefi.blocklist.json` - Changed verbiage around "Blacklist" and "Whitelist" to use neutral terms
* `tools.uefi.blacklist` > `tools.uefi.scan_blocked`- Changed verbiage around "Blacklist" and "Whitelist" to use neutral terms
* `tools.uefi.whitelist` > `tools.uefi.scan_image`- Changed verbiage around "Blacklist" and "Whitelist" to use neutral terms

__New or Updated Configurations:__
* `8086/apl` - Cleaned up config
* `8086/dnv` - Cleaned up config
* `8086/glk` - Cleaned up config

__Removed Modules:__
* None

__Additional Changes:__
* `` - Added archstrike reference
* `chipset` - Added log message when PCH or Plat are unknown and prints the VID/DID/RID that chipsec reads
* `chipset` - Updated default get_device_bus()
* `docs.sphinx._templates.layout`- Changed verbiage around "Master" to use neutral term
* `docs.sphinx.conf`- Changed verbiage around "Master" to use neutral term
* `docs.sphinx.index`- Changed verbiage around "Master" to use neutral term
* `hal.pcidb` - Updated pcidb
* `hal.spi_uefi` - Added decode option to save specific filetypes
* `helper.efi.efihelper` - Fixed edk2 writemem interface invocation
* `helper.linux.linuxhelper` - Fixed bug in native_write_msr()
* `helper.linux.linuxhelper` - Fixed encoding bug when processing in_buf
* `scripts.build_exe_win7-amd64`- Changed verbiage around "Blacklist" and "Whitelist" to use neutral terms
* `scripts.build_exe_win7-x86`- Changed verbiage around "Blacklist" and "Whitelist" to use neutral terms
* `utilcmd.decode_cmd` - Updated the use of argparse
* `utilcmd.igd_cmd` - Updated to use argparse
* `utilcmd.mmio_cmd` - Updated to use argparse
* `utilcmd.uefi_cmd` - Added decode option to save specific filetypes
* `utilcmd.uefi_cmd` - Fixed issues in multiple functions

__Additional Notes:__
* __For Windows users, please rebuild your windows driver as updates have been made.__
* __For Windows, Linux and MacOS: Python2 support has been deprecated as of June 2020. Please use Python3.__
* Any modules under the `` directory have not yet been fully validated to work with Python3.

__New Module Details:__

Module Name | Supported Platforms | Flags
:---: | :---: | :---:


__New or Updated Modules/UtilCmds:__
* `common.cpu.spectre_v2` - Added check for the presence of the Retpoline mitigation on Windows platforms.
* `utilcmd.cmos_cmd` - Updated to use argparse
* `utilcmd.ec_cmd` - Updated to use argparse
* `utilcmd.io_cmd` - Updated to use argparse

__New or Updated Configurations:__
* `8086/dvn` - Added DIDs to DVN configuration.

__Removed Modules:__
* None

__Additional Changes:__
* `chipsec_main` - Added skip_config and no_banner command line options
* `chipsec_util` - Added skip_config and no_banner command line options
* `helper.basehelper` - Added retpoline_supported() function
* `helper.linux.linuxhelper` - Added retpoline_supported() function
* `helper.oshelper` - Added retpoline_supported() function
* `helper.osx.osxhelper` - Added retpoline_supported() function
* `` - Added retpoline_supported() function
* `` - Added retpoline_supported() function
* `` - Fixed error in exception handling

__Additional Notes:__
* __For Windows users, please rebuild your windows driver as updates have been made.__
* __For Windows, Linux and MacOS: Python2 support has been deprecated as of June 2020. Please use Python3.__
* Any modules under the `` directory have not yet been fully validated to work with Python3.

__New Module Details:__

Module Name | Supported Platforms | Flags
:---: | :---: | :---:


__New or Updated Modules/UtilCmds:__
* `utilcmd.cpu_cmd` - Added CPU Topology command (`chipsec_util cpu topology`)

__New or Updated Configurations:__
* `8086/apl` - Fixed HSFS register size
* `8086/cml` - Fixed XML to correctly identify a system
* `8086/whl` - Fixed XML to correctly identify a system

__Removed Modules:__
* None

__Additional Changes:__
* `chipset` - Added function to check if a register defines all fields in input list
* `chipset` - Updated to only check cpuid for platform if driver is loaded.
* `hal.cpu` - Added get_cpu_topology function
* `helper.linux.cpuid` - Fixed file encoding bug
* `helper.linux.linuxhelper` - Reworked affinity functions for Linux

__Additional Notes:__
* __For Windows users, please rebuild your windows driver as updates have been made.__
* __For Windows, Linux and MacOS: Python2 support has been deprecated as of June 2020. Please use Python3.__
* Any modules under the `` directory have not yet been fully validated to work with Python3.

__New Module Details:__

Module Name | Supported Platforms | Flags
:---: | :---: | :---:

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