
Latest version: v0.0.11

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* Use UTC instead of local time for `createdAt`
* Change the types of `ListPurpose`, `ActionType` and `ReasonType` from `Enum` to `str`
* Use `Literal` for string arguments with `knownValues` in type annotations
* Update `atproto`


* Change the development status from pre-alpha to alpha
* Add utility functions to the `BskyAgent` class


* Add docstrings
* Add sample code
* Make `com.atproto.repo.uploadBlob()` work
* Support the `blob` type
* Add `$type` to requests
* Allow importing `BskyAgent` with `from chitose import BskyAgent`


* Added a suffix to internal class names, which may be changed again without notice in future releases
* Added a prefix to internal function names, which may be changed again without notice in future releases
* Added a description to function parameters
* Avoided class name conflicts
* Updated atproto

You may need to change some imports. For example, you need to replace `from import Post` with `from import Post`. This breaking change is due to avoiding class name conflicts. One example conflict is between `` and ``.

In the previous version, both `app.bsky.embed.external` and `app.bsky.embed.externalexternal` have the same name class `External`. To avoid the class name conflict, the`External` class as `app.bsky.embed.externalexternal` was renamed to `ExternalExternal`. If you have been using the`External` class as `app.bsky.embed.externalexternal`, you need to replace `External` with `ExternalExternal`.


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