
Latest version: v0.10.7

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* Fixed queued key strokes being swallowed when initially launching a program. That happened if you immediately started typing after launching ChromaTerm.
* Fixed a minor highlighting inaccuracy that could occur on overlapping rules.
* Improved error message handling when launching a program.
* Minor cleanup.

> Upgrade with `pip3 install -U chromaterm`


* Added support for PCRE2 as the RegEx engine, if installed.
* Prevent extremely long lines from locking up ChromaTerm.
* The exit code of ChromaTerm now matches that of the child process.
* Minor cleanup and optimization.

> Upgrade with `pip3 install -U chromaterm`


* 97 - Fixed issue where special ANSI codes used by `tmux` caused `ct` to wait longer than it should before processing data.
* Fixed optimization steps being skipped when reloading config with `ct --reload`.
* Added short-form program arguments (see `ct -h`).
* Improved the date default rule. It will now match `MMM DD` before matching `DD MMM`. This improves highlighting when showing line numbers in `vi` on a line that starts with `MMM DD`, like `Jan 3`.

> To regenerate the default rules, rename your config file (if you don't have any custom rules, you can just delete it), then run ChromaTerm. This process is manual to ensure that you are aware of any changes to your config file.

> Upgrade with `pip3 install -U chromaterm`


* Fixed a rare highlighting bug when the input data contains lots of ANSI codes.

> Upgrade with `pip3 install -U chromaterm`


* 96 - Fixed an issue where ChromaTerm would highlight ANSI control strings when it shouldn't.
* Added support for named group referencing in the colors of a rule.
* Added a new default rule for URLs.
* Minor cleanup.

> To regenerate the default rules, rename your config file (if you don't have any custom rules, you can just delete it), then run ChromaTerm. This process is manual to ensure that you are aware of any changes to your config file.

> Upgrade with `pip3 install -U chromaterm`


* Added [**color palettes**]( that allow you to create the colors in advance and reference them by name later. This should help you create a consistent coloring scheme. And if you ever grow tired your current palette, change it; any rules that reference palette colors will be updated. There are lots of websites that help you *generate color palettes*, if you're looking for inspiration.
* Updated the default rules to make use of color palettes and [verbose regex]( for long rules.
* Updated the colors of [`contrib/rules`]( to better fit the colors of the default rules.
* Improved responsiveness and highlighting accuracy when ChromaTerm spawns the program, like `ct ssh host`.
* Minor cleanup and optimization (about 10% better performance).

> To regenerate the default rules, rename your config file (if you don't have any custom rules, you can just delete it), then run ChromaTerm. This process is manual to ensure that you are aware of any changes to your config file.

> Upgrade with `pip3 install -U chromaterm`

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