.. note::
What happened to 1.2.0 and 1.2.1?
Due to a bug in the SDK, these releases has been unpublished from pypi. The
bug was an issue in the build_singleton logic that did not exclude the
current build, therefore putting us into an infinite loop. Ironically, I
did not test this on CircleCI so this is why the bug was not found in
testing. Since pypi does not allow re-publishing versions (for good reason)
I had to unpublish 1.2.0 and 1.2.1
In the future, I may start to use the -dev publishing model to try to verify
this behavior ahead of time.
Released on March 10, 2019
- Add SDK module which allows folks to do intersting or complicated things
using the API.
- Add demo modules which shows some sample usage of the API and SDK.
- Add version module which provides some helpers to get the correct version
of circleci.py in various places.