
Latest version: v5.4.3

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* fix ur being wrong for maps / users with mixed mod combinations on the leaderboard
* allow multiple cg instances to coexist (with some caveats involving circleguard:// urls)
* fix beatmaps with catmull sliders crashing
* better and shorter error messages for common errors
* replace non-working windows shortcut with vbs script
* add message when a replay could not be found
* skip replays with no data (not in top 1k of beatmap) after load
* replace api key with asterisks in logs
* fix "inf" threshold value not actually corresponding to an infinite threshold
* make some labels selectable / copyable


* fix 2.11.0 crashing for most users who had previously installed circleguard


* add a Visualization screen to circleguard, which allows you to select osr files or online replays to visualize immediately without the need to mess around with loadables
* increase the gameplay size in the visualizer
* decrease circle border by 2 pixels (was 8, now 6) in the visualizer
* add options to the visualizer, which can be accessed by pressing the new gear icon in the bottom right. These options include:
* raw view - don't show crosses, color line instead of cross for keypresses
* only embolden keydowns - only frames where an additional key is pressed down (as opposed to all frames with any key held down) will be colored (emboldened)
* draw hitobjects - whether to draw the hitobjects of the beatmap
* draw approach circles - whether to draw approach circles for hitobjects. This setting has no effect if "draw hitobjects" is false
* adjust circle size - what mod combination to use to determine the circle size. The default value is HR if any replay visualized has HR, EZ if any replay visualized has EZ, and NM otherwise
* num. frames - the number of frames of each replay to draw at a time
* add a "replay info" button to the visualizer, which can be accessed by pressing the new "i" icon in the bottom right. This shows information about the replay(s) being visualized, including an "Events Table" which contains Snaps and Edge Hits, and a button to jump to that event's location
* add a new selection screen that lets you choose between the Visualization screen or the Investigation screen. The Investigation screen is the new name for the old functionality of circleguard
* add a new option, "show this window when circleguard starts", which allows you to select which screen to show on startup
* circleguard should now open faster (expensive modules such as circleguard, numpy, and matplotlib are now lazy loaded)
* increase visualizer screen size (by decreasing padding between it and the window)
* make the "Run" button and text slightly bigger so it is easier to click


- unstable rate calculation has been massively improved thanks to sometimeszzzzzzz. Circleguard is now usually exactly accurate for ur, and sometimes 1-3 ur off. Please report if you see discrepancies any larger than this
- use links instead of (github links should be preferred for all future linkage as well)
- rename "Checks" to "Investigations" and rename most investigations to names of statistics to better reflect their usage (eg "Relax" -> "Unstable Rate")
- some settings have been reordered/renamed
- "Read Tutorial" button in settings now starts you at the first tutorial page


* add a url scheme (`circleguard://`) which will open a replay (optionally at a specific time) in circleguard from your browser
* fix large (>10k replays) caches taking absurd amounts of time (~30 seconds) to check if they contained a replay. It now takes milliseconds
* fix cache incorrectly returning an old replay for a replay with the same user/map/mods, but a higher replay id (ie an overwriting replay)
* show actual key strings (eg `K1 + K2`) in replay data table instead of ints
* show 2 decimal places for replay position in visualizer
* show 2 decimal places for UR by default
* properly parse and treat negative time frames for replays. This correctly syncs visualizer time to ingame time where it was previously off because of negative frames
* fix some unparseable replays quitting the entire investigation (we now remove these problematic replays from the investigation)
* use a dropdown instead of a checkbox for cv frametime graph


* show details in Results about a replay when checked with `Manual Analysis` if there is only one replay
* pass over replays if they are corrupted / don't have replay data (ie they throw an lzma exception)
* add option to show cv frametimes in the histogram instead of ucv
* fix undownloadable replays only being passed over for `Manual Analysis`
* change default log level to `WARNING`
* change default steal thresh to 17 and default steal dispaly thresh to 18
* fix frametime histogram not showing frames at the maximum frametime
* fix progress bar not incrementing when passing over a replay
* rename "debug" settings to "log" (eg "debug level" -> "log level")
* replace bug report with discord link

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