- verified capability to communicate with an Arduino via the nRF24L01. Added an example as proof.
- changed CE pin to use `board.D4` in the examples as this pin is available on most CircuitPython MCUs and the Raspberry Pi doesn't use it for any special functionality.
- consolidated examples for both ItsybitsyM4 & Raspberry Pi into the examples folder (no more duplicate examples nor sub-folders). Also renamed the examples to suit `circuitpython-build-tools` changes.
- this also reverts back to a proper Python package structure for future development of additional modules. Note the code in `` as it preserves backward compatibility with the old import statements (using a single module python library)
- Split the API reference page into "Basic" and "Advanced" for millennials lacking a 10-minute YouTube video on how to use the library
- context managers now also handle pipes' addresses, open/close status, & static payload width settings, in addition to the TX address
- automatic acknowledgment feature does not require dynamic payloads feature unless appending the ACK with a user-defined payload
- `RF24.what_happened()` now also prints RF data rate, RF power amplifier setting. The `dump_pipes` parameter now also prints the TX address, and pipe addresses have been manipulated to output exactly how the nRF24L01 uses them.
- added option to not reset the address using `RF24.close_rx_pipe()` via the `reset` parameter