Potentially Breaking Change
Circup is now laid out in a package format (`./circup/__init__.py`) as opposed to the library format (`./circup.py`). This is unlikely to impact anyone, but it might.
What’s New?
- You can now mange the CircuitPython Bundles in your dev environment with the [circup bundle commands](https://github.com/adafruit/circup/pull/128). Thanks neradoc
- When Circup detects a newer version of CircuitPython is available, it will direct you the Board specific download page. Thanks neradoc
- The default Bundle list is now distributed as package data in JSON format as opposed to being hardcoded in the Python code. Thanks askpatrickw
- Some Circup commands may now be run without a board connected, these include the Bundle commands and `circup show` - Thanks dgriswo
- Several CP Library specific fixes