- Stripping of numbers and dash (-) to the *whitelist* barcodes so the 10X
`barcodes.tsv` file could be directly used.
- When TAGs are too close based on the maximum Levenshtein distance allowed,
print the offending pairs with its distance to identify them.
- When storing unmatched tags, added the possibility to specify a minimum
counts cutoff to avoid printing every unmatched possibility (option -uc).
- Documentation to the functions.
- `Levenshtein.hamming` usage was replaced by `Levenshtein.distance` in order
to keep the sequences with INDELs matching against the TAGs.
- The redundant classifications `no_match` and `bad_struct` were merged into one
(`no_match`); now, sequences match or do not.
- Decreased the running time by compiling the regex.
- File handles are released once done reading Read1/Read2 files.
- The different length TAGs are now being matched: first, by the regex pattern,
which will always pick the longest match within the maximum distance allowed;
second, by looping through the TAGs sorted by decreasing length, and choosing
the first match within the maximum distance allowed.
- General code improvements and optimisations: releasing file handles sooner,
compartimentalising code, etc.
- Removed `ambiguous` classification; it's not a possibility because it's being
handled when checking the distance between TAGs. E.g.
Lets assume `max_hamming_distance = 2`, then:
if any two TAGs are 2 hamming distance away from each other, then the program
aborts with a message; thus, we could never be finding two sequences being
two hamming distance away from more than one TAG.
- Reduced the memory usage by 1/3 by removing the `UMI_reduce` set; because it
was based on the `unique_lines` set, where Read1 is already trimmed to
Barcode+UMI length, it was providing no gain. (Issue 17).
- Hamming distance was not being properly applied because the equal sign was
missing from the the conditional (`if min_value >= args.hamming_thresh`).
- When applying the regular expression to filter patterns to keep, by using the
`i` in the fuzzy logic it was only accepting `insertions` as mismatches, not
allowing proper mismatches or deletions. The `i` was changed to `s`, which
means `substitution` in general.
- The `merge` technique for creating the common regex pattern for all the
requested ABs/TAGs was replaced by a simple `in list` technique; the `merge`
technique was faulty, matching sequences that are clearly different
(`bad_struct`), being later classified as `no_match` instead. For example:
Pattern [AT][AT][AT][AT][AT][AT]
Read2 ATATAT...
In this scenario, Read2 is being matched and classified as `no_match` instead
of `bad_struct`.