What's Changed
* Move older scripts to scripts dir for now by zstumgoren in https://github.com/biglocalnews/civic-scraper/pull/7
* added additional interface definitions to civic-scraper by chris-stock in https://github.com/biglocalnews/civic-scraper/pull/21
* Edits on README and interface by zstumgoren in https://github.com/biglocalnews/civic-scraper/pull/26
* Tests by zstumgoren in https://github.com/biglocalnews/civic-scraper/pull/38
* Refactor by zstumgoren in https://github.com/biglocalnews/civic-scraper/pull/84
* Update tox.ini by fgregg in https://github.com/biglocalnews/civic-scraper/pull/99
* allow using of one's own session to download assets by fgregg in https://github.com/biglocalnews/civic-scraper/pull/100
* Test legistar scraper by fatima3558 in https://github.com/biglocalnews/civic-scraper/pull/102
* Granicus site scraper by fatima3558 in https://github.com/biglocalnews/civic-scraper/pull/103
* Civic Clerk Scraper by fgregg in https://github.com/biglocalnews/civic-scraper/pull/109
* Update Pipfile to match what's in requirements.txt by palewire in https://github.com/biglocalnews/civic-scraper/pull/110
* Move all the testing into GitHub Actions by palewire in https://github.com/biglocalnews/civic-scraper/pull/111
* Black formatting of Python code by palewire in https://github.com/biglocalnews/civic-scraper/pull/114
* Cut AUTHORS.rst by palewire in https://github.com/biglocalnews/civic-scraper/pull/122
* Install pre-commit and run across all files by palewire in https://github.com/biglocalnews/civic-scraper/pull/125
* Add build step to GitHub Action by palewire in https://github.com/biglocalnews/civic-scraper/pull/128
* Switch GitHub Actions to use pipenv and caching by palewire in https://github.com/biglocalnews/civic-scraper/pull/127
* Switch from demjson to demjson3 so we can support Python 3.9 and 3.10 by palewire in https://github.com/biglocalnews/civic-scraper/pull/129
* Flake8 everything in tests by palewire in https://github.com/biglocalnews/civic-scraper/pull/130
* Sphinx refactor to use Markdown, reduce clutter, auto reload by palewire in https://github.com/biglocalnews/civic-scraper/pull/133
* Add myst_parser to RTD requirements by palewire in https://github.com/biglocalnews/civic-scraper/pull/134
* Standardize project description by palewire in https://github.com/biglocalnews/civic-scraper/pull/135
* Added system for deploying to PyPI via GitHub Actions by palewire in https://github.com/biglocalnews/civic-scraper/pull/136
New Contributors
* zstumgoren made their first contribution in https://github.com/biglocalnews/civic-scraper/pull/7
* chris-stock made their first contribution in https://github.com/biglocalnews/civic-scraper/pull/21
* fgregg made their first contribution in https://github.com/biglocalnews/civic-scraper/pull/99
* fatima3558 made their first contribution in https://github.com/biglocalnews/civic-scraper/pull/102
* palewire made their first contribution in https://github.com/biglocalnews/civic-scraper/pull/110
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/biglocalnews/civic-scraper/commits/0.2.0