
Latest version: v2.10.4

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Not secure

Note: This version requires a requirements upgrade on source installations

Bug fixes:
* Fix Markdown rendering issue
* Return default error page on fanstatic errors
* Prevent authentication when using API callbacks


Not secure

Bug fixes:
* Fix autodetect for TSV resources (2553)
* Improve character escaping in DataStore parameters
* Fix "paster db init" when celery is configured with a non-database backend


Not secure

Bug fixes:
* Resource views won't display when embedded in another site (2238)
* ``resource_update`` failed if you supplied a revision_id (2340)
* Recline could not plot GeoJSON on a map (2387)
* Dataset create form 404 error if you added a resource but left it blank (2392)
* Editing a resource view for a file that was UTF-8 and had a BOM gave an
error (2401)
* Email invites had the email address changed to lower-case (2415)
* Default resource views not created when using a custom dataset schema (2421,
* If the licenses pick-list was customized to remove some, datasets with old
values had them overwritten when edited (2472)
* Recline views failed on some non-ascii characters (2490)
* Resource views for non-default dataset types couldn't be created (2532)


Not secure

Note: This version requires a requirements upgrade on source installations

Note: This version requires a database upgrade

Note: This version requires a Solr schema upgrade

Note: This version requires a DataPusher upgrade on source installations. You
should target DataPusher=>0.0.6 and upgrade its dependencies.

* Completely refactored resource data visualizations, allowing multiple
persistent views of the same data an interface to manage and configure
them. (1251, 1851, 1852, 2204, 2205) Check the updated documentation
to know more, and the "Changes and deprecations" section for migration

* Responsive design for the default theme, that allows nicer rendering across
different devices (1935)
* Improved DataStore filtering and full text search capabilities (1792, 1830, 1838, 1815)
* Added new extension points to modify the DataStore behaviour (1725)
* Simplified two-step dataset creation process (1659)
* Ability for users to regenerate their own API keys (1412)
* New ``package_patch`` action to allow individual fields dataset updates
(1416, 1679)
* Changes on the authentication mechanism to allow more secure setups (``httponly``
and ``secure`` cookies, disable CORS, etc). (2004. 2050, 2052
...) See "Changes and deprecations" section for more details and
"Troubleshooting" for migration instructions.
* Better support for custom dataset types (1795, 2083)
* Extensions can combine free-form extras and ``convert_to_extras`` fields (1894)
* Updated documentation theme, now clearer and responsive (1845)

* Adding custom fields tutorial (790)
* Add metadata created and modified fields to the dataset page (655)
* Improve IFacets plugin interface docstrings (781)
* Remove help string from API calls (1318)
* Add "datapusher submit" command to upload existing resources data (1792)
* More template blocks to allow for easier extension maintenance (1301)
* CKAN API - remove help string from standard calls (1318)
* Hide activity by selected users on activity stream (1330)
* Documentation and clarification about "CKAN Flavored Markdown" (1332)
* Resource formats are now guessed automatically (1350)
* New JavaScript modules tutorial (1377)
* Allow overriding dataset, group, org validation (1400)
* Remove ResourceGroups, show package_id on resources (1407)
* Better errors for NAVL junk (1418)
* DataPusher integration improvements (1446)
* Allow people to create unowned datasets when they belong to an org (1473)
* Add res_type to Solr schema (1495)
* Separate data and metadata licenses on create dataset page (1503)
* Allow CKAN (and paster) to find config from envvar (1597)
* Added xlsx and tsv to the defaults for ckan.datapusher.formats. (1644)
* Add resource extras to Solr search index (1709)
* Prevent packages update in organization_update (1711)
* Programatically log user in after registration (1721)
* New plugin interfaces: IValidators.get_validators and IConverters.get_converters (1841)
* Index resource name in Solr (1905)
* Update search index after membership changes (1917)
* resource_show: use package_show to get validated data (1921)
* Serve placeholder images locally (1951)
* Don't get all datasets when loading the org in the dataset page (1978)
* Text file preview - lack of vertical scroll bar for long files (1982)
* Changes to allow better use of custom group types in IGroupForm extensions (1987)
* Remove moderated edits (2006)
* package_create: allow sysadmins to set package ids (2102)
* Enable a logged in user to move dataset to another organization (2218)
* Move PDF views into a separate extension (2270)
* Do not provide email configuration in default config file (2273)
* Add custom DataStore SQLAlchemy properties (2279)

Bug fixes:
* Set up stats extension as namespace plugin (291)
* Fix visibility validator for datasets (1188)
* Select boxes with autocomplete are clearing their placeholders (1278)
* Default search ordering on organization home page is broken (1368)
* related_list logic function throws a 503 without any parameters (1384)
* Exception on group dictize due to 'with_capacity' on context (1390)
* Wrong template on Add member page (1392)
* Overflowing email address on user page (1398)
* The reset password e-mail is using an incorrect translation string (1409)
* You can't view a group when there is an IGroupForm (1420)
* Disabling activity_streams borks editing groups and user (1421)
* Use a more secure default for the repoze secret key (1422)
* Duplicated Required Fields notice on Group form (1426)
* UI language reset after account creation (1429)
* num_followers and package_count not in default_group_schema (1434)
* Fix extras deletion (1449)
* Fix resource reordering (1450)
* Datastore callback fails when browser url is different from site_url (1451)
* sysadmins should not create datasets wihout org when config is set (1453)
* Member Editing Fixes (1454)
* Bulk editing broken on IE7 (1455)
* Fix group deletion on IE7 (1460)
* Organization ATOM feed is broken (1463)
* Users can not delete a dataset that not belongs to an organization (1471)
* Error during authorization in datapusher_hook (1487)
* Wrong datapusher hook callback URL on non-root deployments (1490)
* Wrong breadcrumbs on new dataset form and resource pages (1491)
* Atom feed Content-Type returned as 'text/html' (1504)
* Invite to organization causes Internal Server error (1505)
* Dataset tags autocomplete doesn't work (1512)
* Activity Stream from: Organization Error group not found (1519)
* Improve password hashing algorithm (1530)
* Can't download resources with geojson extension (1534)
* All datasets for featured group/organization shown on home page (1569)
* Able to list private datasets via the API (1580)
* Don't lowercase the names of uploaded files (1584)
* Show more facets only if there are more facts to show (1612)
* resource_create should break when called without URL (1641)
* Creating a DataStore resource with the package_id fails for a normal user (1652)
* Fix package permission checks for create+update (1664)
* bulk_process page for non-existent organization throws Exception (1682)
* Catch NotFound error in resource_proxy (1684)
* Fix int_validator (1692)
* Current date indexed on empty "_date" fields (1701)
* Possible to show a resource inside an arbitary dataset (1707)
* Edit member page shows wrong fields (1723)
* Insecure content warning when running Recline under SSL (1729)
* Flash messages not displayed as part of page.html (1743)
* package_show response includes solr rubbish when using ckan.cache_validated_datasets (1764)
* "Add some resources" link shown to unauthorized users (1766)
* email notifications via paster plugin post erroneously demands authentication (1767)
* Inserting empty arrays in JSON type fields in datastore fails (1776)
* Ordering a dataset listing loses the existing filters (1791)
* Don't delete all cookies whose names start with "ckan" (1793)
* Upgrade some major requirements (eg SQLAlchemy, Requests) (1817, 1819)
* list of member roles disappears on add member page (1873)
* Stats plugin should only show active datasets (1936)
* Featured group on homepage not linking to group (1996)
* --reload doesn't work on the 'paster serve' command (2013)
* Can not override auth config options from tests (2035)
* Fix ``resource_create`` authorization (2037)
* package_search gives internal server error if page < 1 (2042)
* Fix organization pagination (2141)
* Resource extras can not be updated (2158)
* package_show doesn't validate when a custom schema is used (2175)
* Update jQuery minified version to match the unminified one (1750)
* Fix exception during database upgrade (2029)
* Fix resources disappearing on dataset upate (1779)
* Fix activity stream queries performance on large instances (2008)
* Only link to http, https and ftp resource urls (2085)
* Avoid private and deleted datasets on stats plugin (1936)
* Fix tags count and group links in stats extension (1649)
* Make resource_create auth work against package_update (2037)
* Fix DataStore permissions check on startup (1374)
* Fix datastore docs link (2044)
* Clean up field names before rendering the Recline table (2319)
* Don't "normalize" resource URL in recline view (2324)
* Don't assume resource format is there on text preview (2320)
* And many, many more!

Changes and deprecations

* By convention, view plugin names now end with ``_view`` rather than
``_preview`` (eg ``recline_view`` rather than ``recline_preview``). You will
need to update them on the :ref:`ckan.plugins` setting.

* The way resource visualizations are created by default has changed. You might
need to set the :ref:`ckan.views.default_views` configuration option and run
a migration command on existing instances. Please refer to the migration
guide for more details:

* The PDF Viewer extension has been moved to a separate extension: Please install it separately if
you are using the ``pdf_view`` plugin (or the old ``pdf_preview`` one).

* The action API (v3) no longer returns the full help for the action on each
request. It rather includes a link to a separate call to get the action
help string.

* The ``user_show`` API call does not return the ``datasets``,
``num_followers`` or ``activity`` keys by default any more.

Any custom templates or users of this API call that use these values will
need to specify parameters: ``include_datasets`` or

``activity`` has been removed completely as it was actually a list of
revisions, rather than the activity stream. If you want the actual activity
stream for a user, call ``user_activity_list`` instead.

* The output of ``resource_show`` now contains a ``package_id`` key that links
to the parent dataset.

* ``helpers.get_action()`` (or ``h.get_action()`` in templates) is deprecated.

Since action functions raise exceptions and templates cannot catch
exceptions, it's not a good idea to call action functions from templates.

Instead, have your controller method call the action function and pass the
result to your template using the ``extra_vars`` param of ``render()``.

Alternatively you can wrap individual action functions in custom template
helper functions that handle any exceptions appropriately, but this is likely
to make your the logic in your templates more complex and templates are
difficult to test and debug.

Note that logic.get_action() and toolkit.get_action() are *not* deprecated,
core code and plugin code should still use ``get_action()``.

* Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) support is no longer enabled by
default. Previously, Access-Control-Allow-* response headers were added for
all requests, with Access-Control-Allow-Origin set to the wildcard value
``*``. To re-enable CORS, use the new ``ckan.cors`` configuration settings
(:ref:`ckan.cors.origin_allow_all` and :ref:`ckan.cors.origin_whitelist`).

* The HttpOnly flag will be set on the authorization cookie by default. For
enhanced security, we recommend using the HttpOnly flag, but this behaviour
can be changed in the ``Repoze.who`` settings detailed in the Config File
Options documentation (`who.httponly`).

* The OpenID login option has been removed and is no longer supported. See
"Troubleshooting" if you are upgrading an existing CKAN instance as you may
need to update your ``who.ini`` file.

Template changes

* Note to people with custom themes: If you've changed the
``{% block secondary_content %}`` in templates/package/search.html pay close
attention as this pull request changes the structure of that template block a

Also: There's a few more bootstrap classes (especially for grid layout) that
are now going to be in the templates. Take a look if any of the following
changes might effect your content blocks:


* Login does not work, for existing and new users.

You need to update your existing ``who.ini`` file.

- In the ``[plugin:auth_tkt]`` section, replace::

use = ckan.config.middleware:ckan_auth_tkt_make_app


use = ckan.lib.auth_tkt:make_plugin

- In ``[authenticators]``, add the ``auth_tkt`` plugin

Also see the next point for OpenID related changes.

* Exception on first load after upgrading from a previous CKAN version::

ImportError: <module 'ckan.lib.authenticator' from '/usr/lib/ckan/default/src/ckan/ckan/lib/'> has no 'OpenIDAuthenticator' attribute


ImportError: No module named openid

There are OpenID related configuration options in your ``who.ini`` file which
are no longer supported.

This file is generally located in ``/etc/ckan/default/who.ini`` but its location
may vary if you used a custom deployment.

The options that you need to remove are:

- The whole ``[plugin:openid]`` section
- In ``[general]``, replace::

challenge_decider = repoze.who.plugins.openid.classifiers:openid_challenge_decider


challenge_decider = repoze.who.classifiers:default_challenge_decider

- In ``[identifiers]``, remove ``openid``
- In ``[authenticators]``, remove ``ckan.lib.authenticator:OpenIDAuthenticator``
- In ``[challengers]``, remove ``openid``

This is a diff with the whole changes:

Also see the previous point for other ``who.ini`` changes.


Not secure

Note: This version requires a requirements upgrade on source installations

Bug fixes:
* Fix Markdown rendering issue
* Return default error page on fanstatic errors
* Prevent authentication when using API callbacks


Not secure

Bug fixes:
* Allow uppercase emails on user invites (2415)
* Fix broken boolean validator (2443)
* Fix auth check in resources_list.html (2037)
* Key error on resource proxy (2425)
* Ignore revision_id passed to resources (2340)
* Add reset for reset_key on successful password change (2379)

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