----- Decorators can now be functions or generators Pre-configurations can now be functions or generators
----- First proper release Scopes can now spawn new scopes. Pre configrations api has been improved Scoped lifespan now acts as a singleton in a container Container can now be used as a context manager the same way scopes can. Container can now how scoped teardowns and generator factories on sigletons the same way scopes can.
----- FIX: pre_configurations failed wehen run in async mode.
----- container.register(ServiceType, ImplementationType) now allows resolving from implementation types container.resolve(ServiceType) and container.resolve(ImplementationType) both work for resolving.
----- improvements to how generic type args are mapped in generic dependencies export fast api extension dependencies as already wrapped in Depends Remove dynamic name generation when regestering subclasses more node filters more registration filters improve typing for nodes
----- make Tag class destructurable for filter functions