Features and Bug Fixes
* Full artifacts support (supported by trains-server >= 0.11.0)
* Artifacts include, Pandas.DataFrame, Numpy, PIL Image, local files, and local folder/wildcard ([example](https://github.com/allegroai/trains/blob/master/examples/artifacts_toy.py))
* Artifacts support for folder/wildcard, selected files will be zipped and uploaded
* Resource monitoring, remove sensor reading failure warnings
Breaking Changes
* Logger `info`/`error`/`warning`/`console` functions were removed, use `Logger.report_text` (or python logging or print instead)
* Tensorboard scalars are not grouped into one graph, but are stored on individual graphs (to match Tensorboard behavior). To restore previous behavior call `Logger.tensorboard_auto_group_scalars(group_scalars=True)`