
Latest version: v4.10.0

Safety actively analyzes 665540 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- Drop support for Python 3.7.
- Add a simple `--telemetry`/`--no-telemetry` option flag which respects the `DO_NOT_TRACK` environment variable.
- Add new `populate_auto_envvars` parameter to `extra_command`/`extra_group` decorators to allow auto-generated environment variables to be displayed in help screens.
- Display all environment variables in `--show-params` output, including those auto-generated by the way of the `auto_envvar_prefix` context parameter.
- Allow user to override hard-coded context defaults on `extra_command`/`extra_group`.
- Change default log level from `INFO` to `WARNING` to aligns with Python's global root logger.
- Force resetting of log level on `--verbosity`'s context closing to the hard-coded default.
- Use a dedicated `click_extra` logger for all internal messages, instead of sending them to the user-defined one.
- Aligns `click_extra` logger level to `--verbosity` option level.
- Set default logger of `--verbosity` to Python's global `root` logger, instead a local wrapped logger. Closes {issue}`318`.
- Allow user to provide a string as the default logger to `--verbosity` that will be used to fetch the global logger singleton of that name. Closes {issue}`318`.
- Only colorize the `%(levelname)s` field during log record formatting, not the `:` message separator.
- Prefix `INFO`-level log message with `info: ` prefix by default.
- Raise an error if multiple `--version` options are defined in the same command. Closes {issue}`317`.
- Remove dependency on `click-log`.
- Remove supports for `Pallets-Sphinx-Themes < 2.1.0`.
- Force closing of the context before stopping the execution flow, to make sure all callbacks are called.
- Fix rendering of GitHub-Flavored Markdown tables in canonical format.


- Colorize help screens of subcommands spawned out of an `extra_group`. Closes {issue}`479`.
- Remove deprecated `click_extra.platform`.


- Allow `color_option`, `command`, `config_option`, `extra_command`, `extra_group`, `group`, `help_option`, `show_params_option`, `table_format_option`, `timer_option`, `verbosity_option` and `version_option` decorators to be used without parenthesis.
- Fix wrapping of Cloup decorators by `extra_group`/`extra_command` decorators. Closes {issue}`489`.
- Add main dependency on `furo` which is referenced in ANSI-aware Pygment styles.
- Move all documentation assets to `assets` subfolder.


- Let `--version` option output system details when run on `python >= 3.10`.


- Fix overlapping detection of `linux` and `wsl2` platforms.
- Renders platform groups in documentation in Mermaid format instead of Graphviz. Add new dependency on `sphinxcontrib-mermaid`, removed dependency on `graphviz`.
- Produce dependency graph in Mermaid instead of Graphviz.


- Code, comments and documentation style change to conform to new QA workflows based on `ruff`.

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