:tada: Processings !
This release bring the processings to the config routines (merge, load, save). It is possible to apply any function that modify a configuration after and before merging, after loading and before saving. The processings use the list of processing to apply processings recursively via the routines. To use processing, the tags are usefull (like `{'config.parammytag': value}` ). The processings can then trigger on a any tagged key.
Processing module:
-:sparkles: make_processing functions: helpers to create simple processing
- :sparkles: Built-in processing `ProcessMerge` (associated to tags merge_before/after/add) that allow dynamic config merging just in time.
- :sparkles: Built-in processing `ProcessCopy` (associated to tag copy) that allow copying a parameter just before merging.
- :sparkles: Built-in processing `ProcessTyping` (associated to tag type:<my type>) that enforces the type of a parameter.
- :sparkles: tag routines to facilitate the manipulation of tags
- :memo: :heavy_check_mark: Doc and associated tests