Examples and documentation now includes a very complex example schema built using [FastAPI](https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/) that offers the following variations:
* Simple request / response (no input just an output)
* A request with a URL/Path parameter.
* Models with `int`, `str`, `list`, `dict`, references to other models, enums, and `list`s of other models and enums.
* A request with query parameters.
* A response model that has optional parameters.
* An HTTP POST request that takes an input model.
* An HTTP POST request that takes path parameters and also an input model.
* An HTTP GET request that requires an HTTP header, and returns it.
* An HTTP GET endpoint that returns the HTTP bearer authorization token (also makes clientele generate the http authentication for this schema).
A huge test suite has been added to the CI pipeline for this project using a copy of the generated client from the schema above.