* Fix bug when calculating bounding box during SVG save (https://github.com/gamcil/clinker/pull/54)
* Gene stroke colour/width adjustment * Gene label positions * Save/load clustermap data object * Remove hidden elements when saving SVG * Allow runs with no files to open empty web app * Change individual gene colours * Restore gene groups when loading JSON (https://github.com/gamcil/clinker/pull/52) * Use disjoint-set structure to form gene groups (https://github.com/gamcil/clinker/pull/50)
* Change gene grouping algorithm to iterative version since recursive hits maximum recursion depth with larger input size (48)
* Gene grouping is now performed in Python instead of JavaScript * Added Group class for gene groups, mostly for compatibility with the cblaster implementation (i.e. can now mock groups in Python and pass them to the visualisation)
* Fixed incorrect gene coordinates being read from GFF files (39) * Fixed xlmns value in <svg> tag causing import errors into vector image software (45) * Added default values and some usage examples to help (41)
- Fix locus bounds being reset after drag resizing