**New features**
- Authentication and authorization policies, as well as group finder function
can now be specified via configuration (fixes 40, 265)
- Resources can now be protected by fine-grained permissions (288 via 291, 302)
- Preserve provided ``id`` field of records using POST on collection (293 via 294)
- Logging value for authentication type is now available for any kind of
authentication policy.
- Any resource endpoint can now be disabled from settings (46 via 268)
**Bug fixes**
- Do not limit cache values to string (279)
- When PUT creates the record, the HTTP status code is now 201 (298, 300)
- Add safety check in ``utils.current_service()`` (316)
**Breaking changes**
- ``cliquet.storage.postgresql`` now requires PostgreSQL version 9.4, since it
now relies on *JSONB*. Data will be migrated automatically using the ``migrate``
- the ``crud`` decorator was replaced by ``register()`` (fixes 12, 268)
- Firefox Accounts code was removed and published as external package *cliquet-fxa*
- The *Cloud storage* storage backend was removed out of *Cliquet* and should
be revamped in *Kinto* repository (mozilla-services/kinto45)
- Resource endpoints now expect payloads to have a ``data`` attribute (254, 287)
- Resource endpoints switched from ``If-Modified-Since`` and ``If-Unmodified-Since``
to ``Etags`` (fixes 251 via 275), thanks michielbdejong!
- ``existing`` attribute of conflict errors responses was moved inside a generic
``details`` attribute that is also used to list validation errors.
- Setting ``cliquet.basic_auth_enabled`` is now deprecated.
Use `pyramid_multiauth <https://github.com/mozilla-services/pyramid_multiauth>`_
configuration instead to specify authentication policies.
- Logging value for authentication type is now ``authn_type`` (with ``FxAOAuth``
or ``BasicAuth`` as default values).
**Internal changes**
- Cliquet resource code was split into ``Collection`` and ``Resource`` (fixes 243, 282)
- Cleaner separation of concern between ``Resource`` and the new notion of ``ViewSet`` (268)
- Quickstart documentation improvement (271, 312) thanks N1k0 and brouberol!
- API versioning documentation improvements (313)
- Contribution documentation improvement (306)