
Latest version: v0.14.1

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New Features
* Added new methods to `clisops.core.regrid.Grid`
* Added possibility to apply land or ocean mask if present in the file
* Adapted method from `ESMF` to detect smashed cells
* Masking degenerate (i.e. collapsed and smashed) cells
* Dropping lat/lon bounds if an integrity check fails
* Added a few attributes to the `Grid` object
* `clisops.ops.regrid`: added option to request a land/sea mask for the output grid
* `clisops.utils.dataset_utils`
* Added function `determine_lon_lat_range` to determine the min. and max. lat and lon values
* Added function `fix_unmasked_missing_values_lon_lat` to identify and mask yet unmasked missing values in lat and lon arrays
* Added `force` parameter to `cf_convert_between_lon_frames`

Bug Fixes
* `clisops.utils.dataset_utils`
* Fixed issue in `cf_convert_between_lon_frames` causing the longitude frame to not be adjusted in case of NaNs in the longitude array
* Addressed issues in `generate_bounds_curvilinear`
* latitudes are now clipped above 90 or below -90 degrees north
* longitudes are converted to longitude frame -180, 180
* longitude bounds are adjusted at the Greenwich meridian or anti meridian to avoid grid cells wrapping once or more times around the globe
* Bounds are generated significantly faster due to making use of index slicing and `numpy.vectorize`

Breaking Changes
* Adapted functions from `roocs_utils.xarray_utils.xarray_utils` into `clisops.utils.dataset_utils`
* `get_coord_by_type` now returns the name of the coordinate variable and not the coordinate variable
* `get_coord_by_type` optionally returns a list with further matches for the coordinate variable
* `get_coord_by_type` does no longer raise an exception when more than one coordinate variable matches the requested type
* `get_coord_by_type` raises `ValueError` instead of `Exception` when the coordinate type is unknown
* `detect_coordinate` raises `KeyError` instead of `AttributeError` if no coordinate could be detected
* `detect_gridtype` raises `ValueError` for unsupported grid types rather than `InvalidParameterValue` and `Exception`
* `clisops.core.regrid`
* `Grid.detect_coordinate`: raises `KeyError` instead of `AttributeError` if no coordinate could be detected
* `clisops.ops.regrid`
* `Regrid._calculate`: issues `UserWarning` instead of letting `clisops.core.Weights.__init__` raise an `Exception` when input and output grid are alike

Other Changes
* The testing suite has been refactored to make better use of context handlers when opening files with `xarray`, preventing synonymous read errors and improving the overall performance of the tests.
* Several tests that were failing due to significantly long runtimes have been marked as `slow` and are now skipped by default.
* GitHub Workflows now use a timeout of 20 minutes for the build suite to prevent hanging builds.



New Features
* `clisops` now makes use of `pytest-xdist` for parallel testing. This can be enabled using `--numprocesses={int}`. See the `pytest-xdist documentation <>`_ for more information (#345).
* Testing data caching is now handled by `pooch` and testing data registries ('stratus' for `roocs/mini-esgf-data` and 'nimbus' for `Ouranosinc/xclim-testdata`) (345).
* `clisops` coding conventions now use Python 3.9+ conventions (345).

Breaking Changes
* `clisops` has dropped support for Python 3.8 (345).
* Several dependencies have been updated to include lower bounds for clearer compatibility and easier maintenance (345, XYZ).
* The affected core dependencies are: `dask >=2023.6.0`, `filelock >=3.15.4`, `geopandas >=0.14.0`, `jinja2 >=2.11`, `numpy >=1.23.0`, `packaging >=23.2`, `pandas >=1.5.0`, `pooch >=1.8.0`, `scipy >=1.9.0`, and `xarray >=2022.6.0`.
* Extra dependencies are `ipython >=8.5.0`, `matplotlib >=3.6.0`, `nbconvert >=7.14.0`, `nbsphinx >=0.9.5`, `pre-commit >=3.5.0`, and `sphinx >=7.0.0`.
* `clisops` no longer requires `gitpython >=3.1.30` and `requests >=2.0` (345).
* The development dependencies have been updated to include `deptry >=0.20.0` and `pytest-xdist[psutil] >=3.2` (345).
* `netCDF4` has been moved from core dependency to development dependency (345).

Other Changes
* `clisops.utils.testing` has replaced `clisops.utils.tutorial`. This submodule contains several functions and variables for allowing user control over testing data fetching (345).
* The `_common` testing tools have been migrated to `clisops.utils.testing` or rewritten as `pytest` fixtures (345).
* Testing data fetching now uses worker threads to copy cached data to threadsafe data caches that are separated by worker (345).



Bug Fixes
* Changed the order of operations in `clisops.core.subset.subset_shape` to ensure that the CRS of the shapefile is compatible with the dataset CRS before attempting to subset (340).

Breaking Changes
* Anaconda builds now require `cartopy >=0.23` and only support Python 3.9 and above (340).
* Many dependency version pins now include lower bounds for clearer compatibility and easier maintenance (343).

Other Changes
* Internal warnings now consistently use the `clisops` configured `loguru` logger (335).
* CI Actions now use the commit hashes for version tracking (343).



New Features
* `clisops` now officially supports Python 3.12 (330).

Bug Fixes
* Fixed standard file-namer fallback method (318).
* Fixed `KeyError` for temporal subsetting by components if not all components can be found in the dataset (316).
* Raising `KeyError` for temporal subsetting by components when no time steps match the selection criteria (316).
* Coordinate detection for remapping operator via standard_name if detection via `cf-xarray` fails / is ambiguous (316).
* Remove encoding settings with regards to compression for string variables to avoid netCDF write errors with newer `netcdf-c` library versions (>4.9.0) (319).
* Fixed a few docstrings, specifies some class methods as static methods (321).
* Renamed a few internal variables for clarity, rephrased a few sentences for grammar/spelling (321).
* Fixed a bug related to the creation of the `weights_dir` for regridding that was causing issues for Windows platforms (313).

Other Changes
* The compression level is capped at 1 to reduce write times (319).
* Updated `pre-commit` hooks, pinned linting tools to their pre-commit equivalents (321).
* Added a pre-commit hook as well as a configuration for `codespell` (321).
* Added `dependabot` to maintain package and GitHub Action versions (322).
* The `require_module` decorator can now accept supported version information (321).
* Testing data caching now uses platformdirs to determine the OS-appropriate caching location (321).
* Updated `black` in linting tools to v24.2.0 (330).
* Changes some print calls into logging calls in the tests (330).
* A warning is now emitted on `clisops` import if the installed `xesmf` is too old (330).
* Replaced `styfle/cancel-workflow-action` with GitHub Workflow concurrency settings (330).



New Features
* ``clisops.ops.average.average_shape`` added (312). Exposing average_shape from clisops.core to clisops.ops.

Bug Fixes
* Now also applying fix for datasets with shifted longitude frames (218) for the regrid operator (313).

Other Changes
* Warnings are now emitted when the user attempts to regrid a zonal mean dataset (313).



Bug Fixes
* Instead of raising an exception, now aligning _FillValue and missing_value if they deviate from one another. (309).

Other Changes
* Warnings are now emitted if the user attempts to run the regridding utilities with a version of `xarray` that is not compatible with `cf-xarray`. (310).
* Dependency pins now constrain the `xarray` version when installing with `$ pip install ".[extra]"`. (310).

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