
Latest version: v1.41.0

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* Increment version to v1.0.1: Fix issue 8 - error in serialization, Support for info flags in upload.
* Support for info flags in upload
* Issue 8 - error in serialization



* Increment version to v1.0.0: Renamed url method of CloudinaryImage to build_url to avoid conflicts with the url property. Support keep_original in resource deletion. Support delete_resources_by_tag, Allow supplying unicode url in cloudinary.uploader.upload, Support passing parameters to cloudinary upload. Support upload parameters based on model in CloudinaryField, Support for transformation flags.
* Support for transformation flags
* Merge branch 'master' of
* Support passing parameters to cloudinary upload. Support upload parameters based on model in CloudinaryField
* Allow supplying unicode url in cloudinary.uploader.upload
* Support delete_resources_by_tag Support keep_original in resource deletion



* Increment version to v0.2.8: Change delete_resources_by_prefix to match other signatures, Support max_results in resource drilldown, Support for border and delay.
* Change delete_resources_by_prefix to match other signatures
* Support max_results in resource drilldown
* Support for border and delay



* Increment version to v0.2.7: Support cname, Support headers. Support format in eager. Support explicit. Support type in tags. Support unicode in CloudinaryImage.image. Depend on Django staticfiles module only if CloudinaryJsFileField is used with callback support. Fix to to_python error for submitting blank file.. Pass new flags to resource information api.
* Pass new flags to resource information api
* egg fix
* fix new version
* fix to to_python error for submitting blank file
* Merge branch 'master' of
* Depend on Django staticfiles module only if CloudinaryJsFileField is used with callback support
* Support unicode in CloudinaryImage.image
* Support headers. Support format in eager. Support explicit. Support type in tags
* Support cname



* Increment version to v0.2.6: Wrapper for Cloudinary management API, Better integration with JS library for direct uploads, Allow supplying default formfield for CloudinaryField model field, Do not pass width/height to html in case of crop fit or limit and in case of angle.
* Do not pass width/height to html in case of crop fit or limit and in case of angle
* Allow supplying default formfield for CloudinaryField model field
* Helper method to initialize callback for IE CORS support
* Better integration with JS library. Fix CloudinaryJsFormField
* Wrapper for Cloudinary management API



* Increment version to v0.2.5: Fix case in which Django is in python path but not used, Support density and page. Support http public ids in non-fetch types (e.g. vimeo)
* Merge branch 'master' of
* Support density and page. Support http public ids in non-fetch types (e.g. vimeo)
* Fix case in which Django is in python path but not used

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