- Changes to exception catch format to the new format. [Supreeth S]
- Changed to iteritems() to items() for dict. [Supreeth S]
- Hackathon: Changed the SSHKeyManager to have list for values. [Thanmai
- Hackathon: 2to3 fix SSHKeyManager, cm, ghost. [Gourav Shenoy]
- Hackathon: changed cloudmeshDatabase to have the changes of list for
values. [Thanmai Bindi]
- Hackathon: 2to3 fix ssh_config & CloudmeshDatabase. [Gourav Shenoy]
- Hackathon: updated CloudProviderBase. [Thanmai Bindi]
- Hackathon: updated list references in vm. [Thanmai Bindi]
- Hackathon: updated network.py. [Thanmai Bindi]
- Hackathon: 2to3 fix keys issue. [Gourav Shenoy]
- Hackathon: 2to3 fix keys BatchProviderSLURM.py. [Gourav Shenoy]
- Hackathon: 2to3 fix keys register.py. [Gourav Shenoy]
- Hackathon: 2to3 fix keys in list. [Gourav Shenoy]
- Hackathon: 2to3 keys in group. [Gourav Shenoy]
- Hackathon: 2to3 fix. [Gourav Shenoy]
- HACKATHON: integer division. [fugangwang]
- HACKATHON: bytes ans string fixing for HPC. [fugangwang]
- HACKATHON: fixing dict and making code more readable. [fugangwang]
- HACKATHON: conflict. [fugangwang]
- HACKATHON: Nonetype cannot be compared, and the frontend of virtual
cluster has the 'cluster' field as None. [fugangwang]
- HACKATHON: Fixing more dict related issues. [fugangwang]
- HACKATHON: fixing more raw_input. [fugangwang]
- Improved sorting of dict_table printer. Updating the api docs.
- Comet: Improving cluster display (more fields; multiple lines for
multiple macs; sorting) [fugangwang]
- Comet: Removing failed computeset from default display. [fugangwang]
- Comet: Supporting multiple service endpoints. [fugangwang]
- Comet: Changed time format when displaying computeset, based on
Trevor's request. [fugangwang]
- Comet: use iso instead of image to avoid the possible confusing with
disk image concept. [fugangwang]
- Comet: Fixing a typo. [fugangwang]
- HACKATHON: fixing another dict size changing during runtime.
- HACKATHON: dict cannot change size during runtime. [fugangwang]
- HACKATHON: dict comparison not supported in python 3. [fugangwang]
- HACKATHON: Instruction for raw_input() and a few fixing. [fugangwang]
- HACKATHON: file() instruction and one fixing. [fugangwang]
- HACKATHON: fixing one dict key list issue. [fugangwang]
- HACKATHON: fixing one exception. [fugangwang]
- HACKATHON: Adding compatibility instruction for dict operations.
- HACKATHON: python 2 and 3 compatibility cheat sheet. [fugangwang]
- Using the travis config from the current head of master as otherwise
the merging conflicts. [fugangwang]
- Comet: removing IP display due to API change. [fugangwang]
- Comet: Some old computesets may not have all the fields. [fugangwang]
- Comet: updating docs. [fugangwang]
- Comet: Retrieving and setting apikey and secret. [fugangwang]
- Comet: displaying and filtering computesets based on fields.
- Update .travis.yml. [Gregor von Laszewski]
- 2.2.1. [Gregor von Laszewski]
- Version 2.2.1. [Gregor von Laszewski]