* Second Beta Release. * Corrects wrong bash variable 'CLOUDNS_API_AUTH_USER' to 'CLOUDNS_API_AUTH_ID' in README.rst * Changes the way errors are thrown when auth environment variables are not set. This allows the library to be included without these variables without immediately throwing an error. Now the error is only thrown when they are needed to authenticate.
* Beta Release. * Updates github address to Prestix Studio, LLC github account. * Corrects pypi reference. * Adds publish script to push next version to pypi automatically. * Minor code cleanup.
* Alpha Release - all mvp features. * Minor bugfixes from v0.3.
* Planning/Testing Release 'b' - updates to core modules.
* Planning/Testing Release 'a' - adds some real code for initial testing.
* Initial Planning Release to secure 'cloudns-api' name.