Includes: - Cleanup functions for cvlib context - Addition of timeouts to all cvlib api calls - Numerous arista API updates
Includes: - A fix for studio input getter for situation where studio inputs are greater than the grpc message limits. previously, no results would be returned in those scenarios
Includes: - Ability to set tags in log requests through ctx - IP utilities for cvlib for studios - Various API defintion updates
- Updating of all api clients and grpc connector to use protobuf 4 generated code from 3.X
Includes: - Fixes to allow for logging failures to be more easily ignored - Fixes to tag pulling to reflect workspace state more accurately - Dropping python 2 support - Converts to using toml files - Some updates to rAPI clients
Includes: - Upgrades to a number of dependencies to address new vulnerabilities in them - Updates to several rAPI clients - New exception for logging failures in CV scripts