- Allow subresources in `write_resource`
- Escaped URNs with forward slashes
- Provided way to explicitly specify base resources with multiple identifiers as a base resource.
- URNs are now made up of unlimited resource ids aka `resource_id_parts`.
- URNs now have a `resource_id_parts_parsed` which will attempt to convert non-string id parts into their appropriate type (fixing a bug preventing us from getting lambda layer versions from URN)
- Added Boto3 resource/service definitions as part of service maps as the first steps to making service maps wrap Boto3 definitions fully.
- Resources and subresources no longer have to have specific numbers of identifiers, fixing a bug that caused Cloudwatch Metrics to be misidentified as a subresource.
- Service and Resource maps now have a `boto3_definition` attribute which is the start of the work to have service maps properly superordinate to Boto3 definitions.
- `resource_summary` now includes more detailed information about subresources
- `CloudWandererResource` now generates `parent_urn` property from service mapping data using its news `boto3_definition` property.
- Added AutoScalingGroup fixing [123](https://github.com/CloudWanderer-io/CloudWanderer/issues/123)
- Added load operation for lambda layer versions