Triggering a new DOI release version, since it has been over a year.
There have been many updates since the previous "release" (in GitHub's terminology), so it includes a large number of functionality.
untagged-b4997d46ce5d4c3d468c None
untagged-7cf6c55ce9051e332613 None
untagged-5ecbb01a1f820e2b1739 None
This release contains lots of support for Old and Middle French from nat1881 , sponsored by the Google Summer of Code and mentored by diyclassics and mlj
From PR 571 574 575
Adding new Latin prosody functionality from todd-cook 's PR 573
Release for willismonroe 's PR 569 and 570 for Akkadian noun and declension methods.
Also release by KumaraDilshan 568 adding the Tamil alphabet.
Release for diyclassics 's PR 565 which updates the Latin regex lemmatizer.
TEI XML parser and LBenzahia 's Arabic transliterators.