What's Changed
Added support for CluedIn Rules:
- `cluedin.rules.RuleScope` - an enumeration of rule scopes: `DATA_PART`, `ENTITY`, `SURVIVORSHIP`.
- `cluedin.rules.get_rules(context: Context, scope=RuleScope.DATA_PART) -> dict` – returns all rules for a given scope. This method returns a JSON-response serialized into a `dict`.
- `cluedin.rules.get_rule(context: Context, rule_id: str) -> dict` – returns a rule by ID. This method returns a JSON-response serialized into a `dict`.
- `cluedin.rules.evaluator.default_get_property_name(field: str) -> str` – returns a default property name for a given field. Used to map CluedIn Rules fields to your fields.
- `cluedin.rules.evaluator.default_get_value(field: str, obj: dict) -> Any` – returns a default value for a given field. Used to map CluedIn Rules fields to your fields.
- `cluedin.rules.Evaluator` – a class to evaluate CluedIn Rules.
- `cluedin.rules.Evaluator.evaluate(context: Context, rule: dict, obj: dict) -> bool` – evaluates a rule for an object. Returns a Boolean:
- `get_matching_objects(self, objects) -> list` – returns a list of objects that match the rule.
- `object_matches_rules(self, obj) -> bool` – returns `True` if an object matches the rule.
- `explain(self) -> str` – returns an explanation of the rule (in pandas `DataFrame.query` terms).
- `cluedin.rules.operators.default_get_operator(operator_id) -> Any` – returns a default operator for a given operator ID. Used to map CluedIn Rules operators to your operators.
You can add custom operatiors (see `test_operators.py` for examples), but the following CluedIn Rules operators are supported out of the box:
- `Is Not True`
- `Is True`
- `Begins With`
- `Between`
- `Contains`
- `Ends With`
- `Equals`
- `Exists`
- `Greater`
- `Greater or Equal`
- `In`
- `Is False`
- `Is Not Null`
- `Is Null`
- `Is True`
- `Less`
- `Less or Equal`
- `Matches pattern`
- `Not Begins With`
- `Not Between`
- `Not Contains`
- `Not Ends With`
- `Not Equal`
- `Does Not Exist`
- `Not In`
- `Does not match pattern`
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/romaklimenko/cluedin/compare/2.3.0...2.4.0