* opencv is removed from requirements and setup. This needs to be installed manually based on the conditions where you are working in.
* Changed import `opencv-python` to `opencv-python-headless`, as this one does not depend on graphical user interfaces. This allows the model to run on servers without a graphical environment, ensuring compatibility with headless systems.
* Added `move_files `to init.
* Various improvements in the `move_to_dir `function * Parameter `targetrdir `is changed into `savedir ` * Parameter `overwrite `is added and set as default to False * Return dict with the status whether files are moved/copied * In the plot functionality, `min_clust `is changed into `min_samples `for clarity. * Blacklist is to None by default * Fix in case latlon not exist * Some other minor fixes
* Added functionality to also cluster all kinds of files, such as "mov" and "mp4" and "txt" etc. This only works when using EXIF method and datetime metric. * Update in making plots: colors can be inverted and if the file is not supported, it does not throw an error but shows an empty image.
* Fix for `url2disk` * Parameter added to invert colors when using plot function.