
Latest version: v1.9.2

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*This is the v1.6.0 release of the CMasher package.*


*This is the v1.5.0 release of the CMasher package.*

**New additions/changes:**
- Dropped Python 2.7 support;
- Added the *wildfire*; and *toxic* colormaps;
- Renamed old *wildfire* to *seasons*;
- Added the `sort=None` argument to `create_colormap_overview` to allow for the colormaps to retain their current order;
- Added the `title` argument to `create_colormap_overview` to set the title that is used in the overview;
- Added a set of CLI tools that allow for some utility functions to be accessed from the command-line with ``cmr``;
- Changed the `take_cmap_colors` function to allow for all colors in a specific range to be returned with `N=None`;
- Added the `create_cmap_mod` function that can create stand-alone Python modules of CMasher colormaps.


*This is the v1.4.0 release of the CMasher package.*

**New additions/changes:**
- Added the *bubblegum*; *fall*; *pepper*; *swamp*; *watermelon*; and *wildfire* colormaps;
- Reworked the *dusk* colormap into a [0, 85] sequential colormap;
- Reworked the *horizon* colormap into a [20, 100] sequential colormap;
- Reworked the *nuclear* colormap into a [0, 90] sequential colormap;
- Revamped the online documentation to create separate webpages for each colormap;
- Online documentation now includes examples of each utility function that *CMasher* has;
- Added the `get_sub_cmap`; `set_cmap_legend_entry`; and `take_cmap_colors` functions;
- Split off the registration part of the `import_cmaps` function into the `register_cmap` function;
- Converted the `_get_cm_type` function into the public `get_cmap_type` function;
- Added 8-bit RGB text-files of each colormap to the appropriate colormap directory;
- Added stand-alone Python modules of each colormap as well;
- The `create_cmap_overview` function now treats diverging colormaps differently when sorting on their lightness profiles (takes central value instead of starting value).


*This is the v1.3.0 release of the CMasher package.*

**New additions:**
- Added the *ocean*; *pride*; *savanna*; and *viola* colormaps;
- Added the `get_bibtex` function to retrieve the BibTeX entry of the *CMasher* paper;
- Added the 'plot_profile' argument to the `create_cmap_overview` function.
When set to True, the created overview will contain the lightness profile of the colormaps plotted on top of their grey-scale versions.
This allows for more in-depth information on the performance of a colormap.

- Fixed a bug where diverging colormaps with plateaus in the center of their lightness profiles, would be flagged as 'misc'.

- Made several optimizations to the `create_cmap_overview` function to allow it to be efficiently saved as an SVG-file (saving as SVG will now result in a much smaller file size than its PNG equivalent, despite being of a higher quality);
- Made several QoL changes to the online docs, including saving the colormap images as SVG-files to make them faster to load on mobile (using the aforementioned optimizations);
- As [my modified version of *viscm*]( contains a fix allowing it to handle diverging colormaps better, replaced the dual source files of all diverging colormaps with single files.


This is the first official release of the *CMasher* package, to accommodate for the submission of the JOSS paper.

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