
Latest version: v2.4.3

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* Bug Fixes
* Fixed bug introduced in 0.9.17 where help functions for hidden and disabled commands were not being filtered
out as help topics
* Enhancements
* `AutoCompleter` now handles argparse's mutually exclusive groups. It will not tab complete flag names or positionals
for already completed groups. It also will print an error if you try tab completing a flag's value if the flag
belongs to a completed group.
* `AutoCompleter` now uses the passed-in parser's help formatter to generate hint text. This gives help and
hint text for an argument consistent formatting.


* Bug Fixes
* Fixed a bug when using WSL when all Windows paths have been removed from $PATH
* Fixed a bug when running a cmd2 application on Linux without Gtk libraries installed
* Enhancements
* No longer treating empty text scripts as an error condition
* Allow dynamically extending a `cmd2.Cmd` object instance with a `do_xxx` method at runtime
* Choices/Completer functions can now be passed a dictionary that maps command-line tokens to their
argparse argument. This is helpful when one argument determines what is tab completed for another argument.
If these functions have an argument called `arg_tokens`, then AutoCompleter will automatically pass this
dictionary to them.
* Added CompletionError class that can be raised during argparse-based tab completion and printed to the user
* Added the following convenience methods
- `Cmd.in_script()` - return whether a text script is running
- `Cmd.in_pyscript()` - return whether a pyscript is running


* Bug Fixes
* Fixed inconsistent parsing/tab completion behavior based on the value of `allow_redirection`. This flag is
only meant to be a security setting that prevents redirection of stdout and should not alter parsing logic.
* Enhancements
* Raise `TypeError` if trying to set choices/completions on argparse action that accepts no arguments
* Create directory for the persistent history file if it does not already exist
* Added `set_choices_function()`, `set_choices_method()`, `set_completer_function()`, and `set_completer_method()`
to support cases where this functionality needs to be added to an argparse action outside of the normal
`parser.add_argument()` call.
* Breaking Changes
* Aliases and macros can no longer have the same name as a command


* Bug Fixes
* Fixed exception caused by tab completing after an invalid subcommand was entered
* Fixed bug where `history -v` was sometimes showing raw and expanded commands when they weren't different
* Fixed bug where multiline commands were having leading and ending spaces stripped. This would mess up quoted
strings that crossed multiple lines.
* Fixed a bug when appending to the clipboard where contents were in reverse order
* Fixed issue where run_pyscript failed if the script's filename had 2 or more consecutive spaces
* Fixed issue where completer function of disabled command would still run
* Enhancements
* Greatly simplified using argparse-based tab completion. The new interface is a complete overhaul that breaks
the previous way of specifying completion and choices functions. See header of [](
for more information.
* Enabled tab completion on multiline commands
* **Renamed Commands Notice**
* The following commands were renamed in the last release and have been removed in this release
* `load` - replaced by `run_script`
* `_relative_load` - replaced by `_relative_run_script`
* `pyscript` - replaced by `run_pyscript`
* We apologize for any inconvenience, but the new names are more self-descriptive
* Lots of end users were confused particularly about what exactly `load` should be loading
* Breaking Changes
* Restored `cmd2.Cmd.statement_parser` to be a public attribute (no underscore)
* Since it can be useful for creating [post-parsing hooks](
* Completely overhauled the interface for adding tab completion to argparse arguments. See enhancements for more details.
* `ACArgumentParser` is now called `Cmd2ArgumentParser`
* Moved `basic_complete` to
* Made optional arguments on the following completer methods keyword-only:
`delimiter_complete`, `flag_based_complete`, `index_based_complete`, `path_complete`, `shell_cmd_complete`
* Renamed history option from `--output-file` to `--output_file`
* Renamed `matches_sort_key` to `default_sort_key`. This value determines the default sort ordering of string
results like alias, command, category, macro, settable, and shortcut names. Unsorted tab completion results
also are sorted with this key. Its default value (ALPHABETICAL_SORT_KEY) performs a case-insensitive alphabetical
sort, but it can be changed to a natural sort by setting the value to NATURAL_SORT_KEY.
* `StatementParser` now expects shortcuts to be passed in as dictionary. This eliminates the step of converting the
shortcuts dictionary into a tuple before creating `StatementParser`.
* Renamed `Cmd.pyscript_name` to `Cmd.py_bridge_name`
* Renamed `Cmd.pystate` to `Cmd.py_locals`
* Renamed `PyscriptBridge` to `PyBridge`


* Enhancements
* Added support for and testing with Python 3.8, starting with 3.8 beta
* Improved information displayed during transcript testing
* Added `ansi` module with functions and constants to support ANSI escape sequences which are used for things
like applying style to text
* Added support for applying styles (color, bold, underline) to text via `style()` function in `ansi` module
* Added default styles to for printing `success`, `warning`. and `error` text. These are the styles used
by cmd2 and can be overridden to match the color scheme of your application.
* Added `ansi_aware_write()` function to `ansi` module. This function takes into account the value of `allow_ansi`
to determine if ANSI escape sequences should be stripped when not writing to a tty. See documentation for more
information on the `allow_ansi` setting.
* Breaking Changes
* Python 3.4 reached its [end of life]( on March 18, 2019 and is no longer supported by `cmd2`
* If you need to use Python 3.4, you should pin your requirements to use `cmd2` 0.9.13
* Made lots of changes to minimize the public API of the `cmd2.Cmd` class
* Attributes and methods we do not intend to be public now all begin with an underscore
* We make no API stability guarantees about these internal functions
* Split `perror` into 2 functions:
* `perror` - print a message to sys.stderr
* `pexcept` - print Exception message to sys.stderr. If debug is true, print exception traceback if one exists
* Signature of `poutput` and `perror` significantly changed
* Removed color parameters `color`, `err_color`, and `war_color` from `poutput` and `perror`
* See the docstrings of these methods or the [cmd2 docs]( for more info on applying styles to output messages
* `end` argument is now keyword-only and cannot be specified positionally
* `traceback_war` no longer exists as an argument since it isn't needed now that `perror` and `pexcept` exist
* Moved `cmd2.Cmd.colors` to and renamed it to `allow_ansi`. This is now an application-wide setting.
* Renamed the following constants and moved them to
* **Renamed Commands Notice**
* The following commands have been renamed. The old names will be supported until the next release.
* `load` --> `run_script`
* `_relative_load` --> `_relative_run_script`
* `pyscript` --> `run_pyscript`


* Bug Fixes
* Fixed issue where the wrong terminator was being appended by `Statement.expanded_command_line()`
* Fixed issue where aliases and macros could not contain terminator characters in their values
* History now shows what was typed for macros and not the resolved value by default. This is consistent with
the behavior of aliases. Use the `expanded` or `verbose` arguments to `history` to see the resolved value for
the macro.
* Fixed parsing issue in case where output redirection appears before a pipe. In that case, the pipe was given
precedence even though it appeared later in the command.
* Fixed issue where quotes around redirection file paths were being lost in `Statement.expanded_command_line()`
* Fixed a bug in how line numbers were calculated for transcript testing
* Fixed issue where `_cmdloop()` suppressed exceptions by returning from within its `finally` code
* Fixed UnsupportedOperation on fileno error when a shell command was one of the commands run while generating
a transcript
* Fixed bug where history was displaying expanded multiline commands when -x was not specified
* Enhancements
* **Added capability to chain pipe commands and redirect their output (e.g. !ls -l | grep user | wc -l > out.txt)**
* `pyscript` limits a command's stdout capture to the same period that redirection does.
Therefore output from a command's postparsing and finalization hooks isn't saved in the StdSim object.
* `StdSim.buffer.write()` now flushes when the wrapped stream uses line buffering and the bytes being written
contain a newline or carriage return. This helps when `pyscript` is echoing the output of a shell command
since the output will print at the same frequency as when the command is run in a terminal.
* **ACArgumentParser** no longer prints complete help text when a parsing error occurs since long help messages
scroll the actual error message off the screen.
* Exceptions occurring in tab completion functions are now printed to stderr before returning control back to
readline. This makes debugging a lot easier since readline suppresses these exceptions.
* Added support for custom Namespaces in the argparse decorators. See description of `ns_provider` argument
for more information.
* Transcript testing now sets the `exit_code` returned from `cmdloop` based on Success/Failure
* The history of entered commands previously was saved using the readline persistence mechanism,
and only persisted if you had readline installed. Now history is persisted independent of readline; user
input from previous invocations of `cmd2` based apps now shows in the `history` command.
* Text scripts now run immediately instead of adding their commands to `cmdqueue`. This allows easy capture of
the entire script's output.
* Added member to `CommandResult` called `stop` which is the return value of `onecmd_plus_hooks` after it runs
the given command line.
* Breaking changes
* Replaced `unquote_redirection_tokens()` with `unquote_specific_tokens()`. This was to support the fix
that allows terminators in alias and macro values.
* Changed `Statement.pipe_to` to a string instead of a list
* `preserve_quotes` is now a keyword-only argument in the argparse decorators
* Refactored so that `cmd2.Cmd.cmdloop()` returns the `exit_code` instead of a call to `sys.exit()`
It is now application developer's responsibility to treat the return value from `cmdloop()` accordingly
* Only valid commands are persistent in history between invocations of `cmd2` based apps. Previously
all user input was persistent in history. If readline is installed, the history available with the up and
down arrow keys (readline history) may not match that shown in the `history` command, because `history`
only tracks valid input, while readline history captures all input.
* History is now persisted in a binary format, not plain text format. Previous history files are destroyed
on first launch of a `cmd2` based app of version 0.9.13 or higher.
* HistoryItem class is no longer a subclass of `str`. If you are directly accessing the `.history` attribute
of a `cmd2` based app, you will need to update your code to use `.history.get(1).statement.raw` instead.
* Removed internally used `eos` command that was used to keep track of when a text script's commands ended
* Removed `cmd2` member called `_STOP_AND_EXIT` since it was just a boolean value that should always be True
* Removed `cmd2` member called `_should_quit` since `PyBridge` now handles this logic
* Removed support for `cmd.cmdqueue`
* `allow_cli_args` is now an argument to __init__ instead of a `cmd2` class member
* **Python 3.4 EOL notice**
* Python 3.4 reached its [end of life]( on March 18, 2019
* This is the last release of `cmd2` which will support Python 3.4

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