* Fix bug [52](https://github.com/cmdty/storage/issues/52) in standard error calculation. * Add standard error for delta.
--- Excel Add-In Releases
* Update pythonnet dependency to <3.1.0. This allows reference to the latest version (3.0.3) which is compatible with Python up to version 3.12. * Add standard error to results.
* sim_data_returned added to Monte Carlo valuation functions to allow the caller to control which simulation-level data is returned.
* .NET binaries included in Python package target .NET Standard, not .NET Framework, hence compatible with more .NET types. * For non-Windows OS default to trying .NET (Core), rather than Mono as default runtime.
* Add standard error for NPV and delta.
* SimulationDataReturned enum defined and property of this type added to LsmcValuationParameters to allow the caller to control which simulation-level data is populated in the returned LsmcStorageValuationResults instance.