- Remove celery ``AsyncResult`` calls from the content-status view because they were causing performance issues. (212, 213) - Add the concept of a 'fallback' state for baked content (211, 214, 215)
Not secure
- Fix link to display None for print-styles without a recipe (209 & 210) - Add print style view recipe information. (201) - Add ability to unbake even in the presence of previous succcessful bake. (204) - Change config files db settings to use postgresql:// urls. (203)
Not secure
- Fix distribution to include static files for the admin interface. (205)
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- Expose STARTED state for baking on content status view (191) - Enable filter for QUEUED state (193) - Improve appearance of content status view - Track time of baking (194)
Not secure
- Explicitly close all psycopg2 db connections (187) - Refactor and fix content-status view (186)
Not secure
- Check for a traceback when handling a celery task failure (185)