- Python 3.12 support (removed all dependence on distutils)
- Improved `.products()` method for samplers (MCMC and PolyChord) and post-processing: samples can now retrieved simultaneously for all MPI processes, and converted to GetDist. Also added `.samples()` methods to retrieve just the samples.
- Created a general `load_samples` function to load Cobaya results natively or as GetDist MCSamples.
- Collections are now aware of whether they are part of a parallel batch, and warn if trying to reweight/detemper individually (fixes 321).
- Fixed a bug with overzealous checks when loading samples (306, thanks mishakb for reporting).
- Fixed a bug with mpi runs partly stalling when run with many chains (308, thanks vivianmiranda lukashergt for reporting and testing).
- When `oversample_thin` is used, avg thinned weights now reported instead of acceptance rate (310, thanks vivianmiranda for reporting)
- Added 1-d grid LSS likelihood and BAO-only ELG and QSO (PR 266; thanks msyriac)
- Updated manual installation instructions and fixed some dependencies.
- Made more derived parameters available, and documented how to access even more.
- Fixed 292: wrong normalization for the Cl cross-spectra (thanks carlosggarcia)