Latest version: v3.8.1

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- :class:`EventsClient`
- Provides all functionality of :class:`Client`, as well as an events-like system.
- It will constantly request to the API every X seconds and detect indifferences between the cached and new results
returned by API. It will then send out 'events', basically calling functions that you must register, to tell you that
these things have happened
- Split into 3 categories: player, clan and war


- All events regarding anything in the API that can change.
- E.g, name, troop levels (and unlocking), spells, heroes, donations, trophies etc.


- All events regarding anything in the API that can change.
- E.g. description, type (invite only etc.), ranks, donations etc. of members, levelups.


- All events regarding anything in the API that can change.
- E.g. new war attack, war state change

- You must register the funtions events will call with :meth:`EventsClient.add_events`
- You must 'subscribe' any clans, players or (clans in) wars you want to get with :meth:`EventsClient.add_clan_updates`,
:meth:`EventsClient.add_player_update`, :meth:`EventsClient.add_war_update`.

- This can be a script that you run and will continue to run forever, calling your functions as events come through,
it doesn't have to be integrated into a bot. To ease this use-case, :meth:`EventsClient.run_forever` is handy.

Other Importants
- Cache has had another overhaul about how it works, is called and default operational use.

- From above, ``default_cache`` is a kwarg, and method of :class:`Client`. It defaults to the inbuilt method,
however you can pass your own function into this.

- Logging in: the new recommended way of logging in is via ``client = coc.login(email, pass, **kwargs)`` with ``client``
being one of these kwargs: pass in either :class:`EventsClient` or :class:`Client` to use respective clients. This
makes both Client class creation and HTTP logging in easy through one function. Any additional kwargs passed will become
kwargs for the client you are using.

- ``CurrentWar`` has been renamed, revamped and relooked at. A regular clan-war is now a :class:`ClanWar`, with
``WarIterator`` being renamed to ``ClanWarIterator``. ``LeagueWarIterator`` and ``CurrentWarIterator`` now exist,
Current wars being a mix of either clan or league wars.

- :meth:`Client.get_clan_war` now retrieves the current :class:`ClanWar`

- :meth:`Client.get_current_war` now attempts to retrieve the current :class:`ClanWar`, and if in the ``notInWar`` state,
will attempt to search for a leauge war and return that, if found. This makes getting league wars and
clan wars from the API much easier than before.
- :attr:`ClanWar.type` and :attr:`LeagueWar.type` now return a string of either ``cwl, friendly, random`` - which war type it is.
- :attr:`Timestamp.time` has been renamed to :attr:`Timestamp.raw_time`, and replaced with :attr:`Timestamp.utc_timestamp` (now called :attr:`Timestamp.time`)
- Add :attr:`ClanWar.status` returns a string ``winning, losing, tied, won, lost, tie`` depending on stars + destruction.

- Lots of little ones with cache
- Performance upgrades with use of ``__slots__`` on more classes
- Trying to iterate over used up iterators
- Only log requests throttled as debug
- Trying to pop a cache item failed
- Few little regex and other bugs in cache.


- TypeError will no longer be raised if no tags were found
- Iterators will continue to search for next item if one fails

New Properties/Attributes

- :attr:`WarMember.is_opponent` indicates if the member is a clanmate (false) or opponent (true)
- :attr:`SearchPlayer.ordered_home_troops`, :attr:`SearchPlayer.ordered_builder_troops` - returns an
:class:`collections.OrderedDict` of players troops, in the order found in game.
Note: Siege Machines are included at the end of this.
- :attr:`SearchPlayer.ordered_spells` - same, but for spells
- :attr:`SearchPlayer.ordered_heroes` - same, but for heroes.
- :attr:`BaseWar.clan_tag` - all wars now have a permenant `clan_tag` attribute regardless of war state.
- :attr:`cache.fully_populated` - helper bool to indicate if all possible items are cached,
for eg. with locations and leagues - static information

New Methods:

- :meth:`client.get_league_named()` - get a league (ie. Bronze III etc.) by name.
- :meth:`client.get_location_named()` - get a location (ie. Australia etc.) by name.
- :meth:`cache.clear()` - reset the cache and clear all objects inside for that instance.
- :meth:`cache.get_all_values()` - returns all values in the cache.
- :meth:`cache.get_limit(limit)` - get the first limit number of items in cache.

New Iterators:

- :class:`PlayerIterator`, :class:`ClanIterator`, :class:`WarIterator` - returned when a function eg.
:meth:`client.get_players(tags)` is called. These allow normal dot notion to be used inside `async for`,
eg. `async for clan in client.get_clans(tags): print(`.
- :meth:`Iterator.flatten()` will return a list of all objects inside the iterator. Note: operation may be slow.

Changed Attribute:

- :attr:`SearchPlayer.troops_dict` has been changed to both :attr:`SearchPlayer.home_troops_dict` and
:attr:`SearchPlayer.builder_troops_dict`, returning a dict of either home, or builder troops respectively.

- :attr:`SearchPlayer.ordered_troops_dict` has been changed to both :attr:`SearchPlayer.ordered_home_troops_dict`
and :attr:`SearchPlayer.ordered_builder_troops_dict`, returning a dict of either home, or builder troops respectively.

Removed Dependency:

- `lru-dict` has been removed as a dependency due to a few windows problems while installing,
and utilising :class:`collections.OrderedDict` appears to be faster.


- Many type-hints were added to functions to aid IDE integration
- Documentation was re-written to use the NumPy style.
- Discord Bot examples were updated


Fixed 2 problems which meant automatic token resets weren’t working. Please report any more bugs!


- Stop nested asyncio loops from failing.


- New methods

- :meth:`.Client.get_clans(tags)` returns an AsyncIterator of clans.
- :meth:`.Client.get_current_wars(tags)` returns an AsyncIterator of current wars
- :meth:`.Client.get_players(tags)` returns an AsyncIterator of players
- :meth:`.SearchClan.get_detailed_members` returns an AsyncIterator of :class:`.SearchPlayer` for clans members
- :meth:`.Client.set_cache(*cache_names, max_size, expiry)` enables you to override the default cache settings
on a per-cache basis. Expiry is in seconds.

- Removed parameters

- ``json=False`` on all calls has been removed. Use :attr:`DataClass._data` to get the dict as returned by the API
if you so desire

- Implemented ratelimits

- ``throttle_limit`` has been added as a parameter to :class:`.Client`. This is the number of calls per token, per second,
to be made

- asyncio.Semaphore lock has been implemented

- New cache structure and implementation.

- Max size and expiry (in seconds) can be set with :meth:`Client.set_cache`
- New instances of cache on a per-object (returned) basis, so different methods will implement
different instances of the cache.
- ``lru-dict`` has been added as a requirement.
- LRU is very fast and memory efficient, written in C.

- Enum for :class:`CacheType` has been implemented. This is the preferred way to pass in ``cache_names`` to :meth:`Client.set_cache`
as string names may change.

- Can be called with :meth:`Client.set_cache(CacheType.search_clans, max_size=128, expiry=10)`

- New Exception: :exc:`InvalidCredentials`

- This essentially replaces the (now redundant) :exc:`InvalidToken` exception, and is called when the email/pass pair
passed is incorrect.

- New util function: :func:`coc.utils.clean_tag(tag, prefix='')` will return a 'cleaned up' version of the tag.
It will:

- Make all letters UPPERCASE
- Replace o ('oh') with 0 (zero)s
- Remove non-alphanumeric and whitespace


- Fixed bug with loops breaking when reloading the client in a discord cog.
- A more specific error, `aiohttp.ContentTypeError` is raised when parsing non-json responses.

- Big thanks to Jab for some of these.

- Big one! Client now only accepts an email/password pair rather than tokens.
This pair is what you use to login to
and will allow the client to automatically use, create, reset and find tokens,
making it a much more streamlined process.

- As such, the following parameters to client have been added:

- ``key_count``: int: the number of tokens to rotate between when making API requests.
This defaults to 1, and can be between 1 and 10

- ``key_names``: str: The name to use when creating tokens on the developer page.
This defaults to `Created with Client`

- Email and Password are now mandatory parameters and must be passed

- `update_tokens` parameter has been removed. The client will automatically reset bad tokens.

- In order to keep consistency with the official API docs, `token` has been renamed to `key`.
This affects the following method/parameters:

- ``on_token_reset(new_token)`` --> ``on_key_reset(new_key)``
- ``HTTPClient.login()`` --> ``HTTPClient.get_keys()``

and otherwise consistent use of `key` during internals, docs, code and examples.

- `pytz` and `python-dateutil` have both been removed as dependencies due to the ability to
parse timestamps manually. This has been added to utils as a function: ``from_timestamp(ts)``,
returning a utc-datetime object.

- Dataclasses have received a makeover! Many new attributes are present, these are listed below.
Most importantly, any property beginning with an underscore (_) use and return iterator objects.
These are **not** lists, and relevant python documentation is here:

These are up to 12x faster than lists, and
as such for those who are concerned about speed, performance and memory should use these, while
for the majority, calling the regular property should be fine (usually returning a list rather than iter).

- :attr:`SearchClan._members`
- :attr:`WarClan._members`
- :attr:`WarClan._attacks`
- :attr:`WarClan._defenses`
- :attr:`WarMember._attacks`
- :attr:`WarMember._defenses`
- :attr:`SearchPlayer._achievements`
- :attr:`CurrentWar._attacks`
- :attr:`CurrentWar._members`
- :attr:`LeagueClan._members`
- :attr:`LeagueGroup._clans`

- The following **new** attributes were added:

- :attr:`SearchClan.member_dict`
- :attr:`WarClan.member_dict`
- :attr:`WarClan.attacks`
- :attr:`WarClan.defenses`
- :attr:`WarMember.attacks`
- :attr:`WarMember.defenses`
- :attr:`SearchPlayer.achievements_dict`
- :attr:`SearchPlayer.troops_dict`
- :attr:`SearchPlayer.heroes_dict`
- :attr:`SearchPlayer.spells_dict`
- :attr:`Timestamp.time`

- The folowwing **new** methods were added:

- `SearchClan.get_member(tag)`
- `CurrentWar.get_member(tag)`

- New utility functions:

- `utils.get(iterable, **attrs)`
- Searches the iterable until a value with the given attribute is found.
Unlike ``filter()``, this will return when the first value is found.
- `utils.find(function, iterable)`
- Searches through the iterable until a value which satisfies the function is found.

- `from_timestamp(ts)`
- Parses an ISO8601 timestamp as returned by the COC API into a datetime object

- Many docstrings were reformatted or worded, with punctuation and other typo's fixed
- All new properties, attributes and methods have been documented.
- Update some examples, including a `clan_info` function in discord bots (Thanks, Tuba).


Various bug fixes, adding Forbidden exception and on_token_reset. For more info please see the changelog.

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