- :class:`EventsClient`
- Provides all functionality of :class:`Client`, as well as an events-like system.
- It will constantly request to the API every X seconds and detect indifferences between the cached and new results
returned by API. It will then send out 'events', basically calling functions that you must register, to tell you that
these things have happened
- Split into 3 categories: player, clan and war
- All events regarding anything in the API that can change.
- E.g, name, troop levels (and unlocking), spells, heroes, donations, trophies etc.
- All events regarding anything in the API that can change.
- E.g. description, type (invite only etc.), ranks, donations etc. of members, levelups.
- All events regarding anything in the API that can change.
- E.g. new war attack, war state change
- You must register the funtions events will call with :meth:`EventsClient.add_events`
- You must 'subscribe' any clans, players or (clans in) wars you want to get with :meth:`EventsClient.add_clan_updates`,
:meth:`EventsClient.add_player_update`, :meth:`EventsClient.add_war_update`.
- This can be a script that you run and will continue to run forever, calling your functions as events come through,
it doesn't have to be integrated into a bot. To ease this use-case, :meth:`EventsClient.run_forever` is handy.
Other Importants
- Cache has had another overhaul about how it works, is called and default operational use.
- From above, ``default_cache`` is a kwarg, and method of :class:`Client`. It defaults to the inbuilt method,
however you can pass your own function into this.
- Logging in: the new recommended way of logging in is via ``client = coc.login(email, pass, **kwargs)`` with ``client``
being one of these kwargs: pass in either :class:`EventsClient` or :class:`Client` to use respective clients. This
makes both Client class creation and HTTP logging in easy through one function. Any additional kwargs passed will become
kwargs for the client you are using.
- ``CurrentWar`` has been renamed, revamped and relooked at. A regular clan-war is now a :class:`ClanWar`, with
``WarIterator`` being renamed to ``ClanWarIterator``. ``LeagueWarIterator`` and ``CurrentWarIterator`` now exist,
Current wars being a mix of either clan or league wars.
- :meth:`Client.get_clan_war` now retrieves the current :class:`ClanWar`
- :meth:`Client.get_current_war` now attempts to retrieve the current :class:`ClanWar`, and if in the ``notInWar`` state,
will attempt to search for a leauge war and return that, if found. This makes getting league wars and
clan wars from the API much easier than before.
- :attr:`ClanWar.type` and :attr:`LeagueWar.type` now return a string of either ``cwl, friendly, random`` - which war type it is.
- :attr:`Timestamp.time` has been renamed to :attr:`Timestamp.raw_time`, and replaced with :attr:`Timestamp.utc_timestamp` (now called :attr:`Timestamp.time`)
- Add :attr:`ClanWar.status` returns a string ``winning, losing, tied, won, lost, tie`` depending on stars + destruction.
- Lots of little ones with cache
- Performance upgrades with use of ``__slots__`` on more classes
- Trying to iterate over used up iterators
- Only log requests throttled as debug
- Trying to pop a cache item failed
- Few little regex and other bugs in cache.