Coconut v2 is here! This is Coconut's first ever major version release since Coconut was first published, and it comes with some breaking changes, detailed below. Care has been taken to keep v2 as backwards-compatible as possible, but Python 3.10 adding pattern-matching of its own that conflicted with some of Coconut's old pattern-matching rules meant that breaking changes were going to be inevitable to ensure full compatibility.
Additionally, v2 introduces some pretty major new features such as multidimensional array literal/concatenation syntax! Check it all out below and see Coconut's [documentation]( for more information on all of the features listed.
Breaking changes:
* 605: Coconut pattern-matching is now fully unified with Python 3.10 pattern-matching: pattern-matching always works the same way regardless of where it is used, always uses Python 3.10 rules, but also always supports all additional Coconut pattern-matching features. Some implications of this:
- Coconut now fully supports [class patterns]( everywhere, including in pattern-matching function definition and destructuring assignment.
- As a result, `x is int` type-checking syntax is now deprecated in favor of using the `int(x)` class pattern. For cases where there is no rewriting as a class pattern, ``x `isinstance` int`` syntax is also supported.
- Pattern-matching for dictionaries has been changed so that `{"a": a}` now matches a dictionary with _at least_ `"a"` as a key rather than exactly `"a"` as its only key to be consistent with Python 3.10. Coconut will warn if such syntax is detected and suggest the explicit `{"a": a, **_}` or `{"a": a, **{}}` syntax instead.
* 639: Coconut `data` types no longer support adding or multiplying them like tuples unless explicitly added via `__add__`/`__mul__` methods.
* 623: `fmap` over a Mapping (e.g. `dict`) now does a normal map instead of a `starmap`. Thus, you'll need to do `fmap$(def ((k, v)) -> (new_k, new_v))` instead of `fmap$((k, v) -> (new_k, new_v))`. Old behavior can also be recovered with `fmap$(starmap_over_mappings=True)`.
* 615: `($[])` spelling for the iterator slicing operator function has been removed in favor of `.$[]` and the normal getitem operator has been added as `.[]`.
* 613: Precedence of the function composition operator `..` has been lowered such that `f x .. g y` is now equivalent to `(f x) .. (g y)` rather than `((f x) .. g) y`.
* 635: `initializer` keyword argument in `scan` changed to `initial` to match the function signature of `reduce`.
New language features:
* 628, 670: New multidimensional array literal and concatenation syntax! Concatenate two arrays with `[a ; a]`, write out 2D array literals as `[1, 2;; 3, 4]`, with the number of semicolons denoting the axis from the end on which to concatenate.
* 258, 669: New syntax for partially applying operator functions: `(.+1)`, `(a+.)`, `(.<|x)`, including support for custom operators as `` (. `plus` x) ``.
* 663: Better syntax for typing tuples: instead of `x: typing.Tuple[int, str]`, just: `x: (int; str)`.
* 633: New pattern-matching for loops, allowing for arbitrary destructuring pattern-matching in for loops.
* 622, 650: New anonymous named tuples for giving names to fields in temporary tuples. Just: `(a=1, b=2)`.
* 626: New syntax for using partial application to convert a keyword argument into a positional argument. Just: `func$(kwd_arg=?)`.
* 612: Combinators! Use `lift` to "lift" a function up so that its arguments become unary functions. Also: ident, flip, const, of.
* 616, 620: New `all_equal` and `collectby` built-ins for working with iterables.
* 124: `fmap` now supports asynchronous iterators.
* 365 (thanks ArneBachmann!): Equality checking with `=<expr>` has been deprecated in favor of `==<expr>`; the former syntax will now raise an error in `--strict` mode.
* 648: Class patterns now support a strict `.attr=<match>` syntax that raises an error if the `attr` isn't present rather than failing the match.
* 641: Iterable destructuring patterns now support a substantially wider array of allowable destructuring constructs (e.g. `[1] + x + [2] + y + [3]`).
* 603: New `as x` (to explicitly bind a variable) and `is x` (to do an identity check) pattern-matching constructs.
* 434 (thanks ArneBachmann!): Conditional assignment using pattern-matching; infix patterns have been improved to support ``a `pred` or b = <expr>`` syntax that binds to `a` if `pred` and `b` otherwise.
* 670: [`jax`]( support in `fmap` and multidimensional array literal/concatenation.
* 617, 647: New comma operator function `(,)` for joining arguments into a tuple and new `(raise)` operator function for raising an exception.
* 625: Matrix multiplication operator `` now supported on all Python versions.
* 649 (thanks hlizard!): Zero-argument `super()` now supported on all Python versions.
* 664: Coconut will now automatically backport `typing` imports into `typing_extensions` imports when necessary.
* 490 (thanks pavelbraginskiy!): `:=` assignment expressions can now be chained without parentheses.
* 640: f-strings now supported in pattern-matching string patterns.
New compiler features:
* 632: Substantially improved syntax error messages with much finer-grained identification of the error location.
* 636: Coconut can now be used as a `xontrib` in the [`xonsh`]( shell to enable Coconut syntax.
* 658: Coconut now supports [`papermill`](
* 575: Better interpreter auto-completing.
* 629 (thanks tbsexton!): New `coconut[kernel]` installation option for installing only lightweight Jupyter kernel dependencies compared to the full support offered by `coconut[jupyter]`.
* 646: Better `coconut.convenience` API.
* 638 (thanks ivanmkc!): `coconut --watch` for watching files for changes to be recompiled fixed.
* 657 (thanks tbsexton!): Jupyter kernel compatibility with new Jupyter/IPython versions fixed.
* 616: Iterator slicing no longer exhausts the entire iterator except when strictly necessary.
* 631: Fixed pattern-matching on `numpy` arrays by registering them as Sequences.
* 656 (thanks hlizard!): Compilation on Windows should no longer convert names of compiled files to lowercase.
* 627 (thanks fakuivan!): Support for starred function arguments before positional function arguments.
* 653 (thanks fakuivan!): Fixed dotted names in class/data patterns.
* 655 (thanks hlizard!): Certain complex f-strings no longer trigger internal Coconut exceptions.
* 667 (thanks tom-a-horrocks!): Rare interpreter crashes fixed.