
Latest version: v1.5.6

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`Commits since previous release 0.1.4 <>`_

Features added

* :commit:`b0b627a184c59c788318b25c84eb1c0783cd15c9`: added *Brunovsky* example
* :commit:`6a1625927bae77a2682084c71138ba8cf67a8048`: first attempt of sub-CN
* :commit:`f6fbe30d082656a37d049e4f09a8dfea0e5bc4a7`: vehicle displayed on demand on trajectories


* :commit:`3ed609083fb2b0c2a2f22ceeb79348d373a2279b`: improved ``CtcDelay`` since new tube definition

Bugs fixed

* :commit:`22106ee3a4a25b55113a6bba014d6de84b6ce0b4`: eval of ``TubeVector`` objects




`Commits since previous release 0.1.3 <>`_

Features added

* :commit:`bed28ab547a798abdc1ca1ecb80efcdfc3784c79`: added simple tube paving (1d)
* :commit:`8a0f317c5ae589a058167672eb7d096103f0f92d`: added explored area
* :commit:`6d486040d16d05d146b1a69d2f13caa44aa0357d`: new ``Tube::lb()``/``Tube::ub()`` methods
* :commit:`f50db66af3d6d01b6200cb45b63717fb89c01ed2`: new ``min``/``max`` functions on ``Tube``
* :commit:`04bd085468a6ef78dae8d2b66697ce0f8bb4f11c`: added ``PENUMBRA`` value for ``Set``

Bugs fixed

* :commit:`d9dee9c17e4f6437e957ed7528251c9a0c933b16`: corrected bug in ``eval`` function
* :commit:`0996ca9833582c5bc283d9399c143b76283a0cb7`: solving implementation of ``DelayTFunction`` (shared libraries)




`Commits since previous release 0.1.2 <>`_


* :commit:`cddb5989a66f5955dd7edc7ba3400c656defd3dc`: improving loop computation in Python

Python binding

* :commit:`b1781373ef22f372d7536a4c48b295de30d998a2`: building Python module in Release mode




`Commits since previous release 0.1.1 <>`_

Bugs fixed

* :commit:`9f25886e1b19821e709dc3e617629fc5ebb68b19`: corrected bug in diff




`Commits since previous release 0.1.0 <>`_


* :commit:`ed3ff69b60ce0f936f5a94ac4ddb9d796c5186e1`: improved ``TubeTreeSynthesis`` computations
* :commit:`630a98111b5a2e5fe64785593451840df1631e16`: changing tube definition: unbounded outside tdomain :math:`[t_0,t_f]`
* :commit:`bb3d64cb42fe530835ac627bd0f916299bc565f6`: updated the interface of loop detections/proofs


* :commit:`803c839dc48964c2b57ec986991f916eaf412ff6`: IBEX types are now embedded

Python binding

* :commit:`d0351fb474055d98b7908e1fcd6f5534b517f531`: Python binding of loop detections/proofs
* :commit:`afadfd759af88d5b8923952590fa85ac13965efe`: building trajectories objects from numpy arrays
* :commit:`3a79bf3c89c2c37f591e5a03db72e78bcb2a906e`: added missing *rsub* operators on Tubes




`Commits since previous release tubex.3.1.1 <>`_


* :commit:`a98cd947e9f5b0823d88eda9abc8c4b71bfb16fe`: transition Tubex -> Codac


Previous libraries from which Codac comes from

Codac has been built upon two libraries:

* Tubex (`Simon Rohou <>`_), that was dedicated to tubes, Contractor Networks, dynamical systems...

* pyIbex (`Benoît Desrochers <>`_), that was initially a Python binding of `IBEX <>`_, and proposed tools related to separators, thicksets, geometrical contractors...

Releases related to the previous Tubex library

The previous Tubex releases are listed thereafter.


Tubex release 3.1.1 (released `Jan 12, 2021 <>`_)

`Commits since previous Tubex release 3.1.0 <>`_


* :commit:`3563a0ff588c12f4e4e6accb07a92396c1645fa7`: improved ``Tube::invert`` methods (without tree)

Bugs fixed

* :commit:`782e4cc9750b5d880c35531969a76d29ff2995ab`: Lohner contractor with multi-dimensional functions


Tubex release 3.1.0 (released `Dec 17, 2020 <>`_)

`Commits since previous Tubex release 3.0.13 <>`_

Features added

* :commit:`465d1e0908695df2bb99d5c9b2ec3a79f54bd0da`: added example of Linobs (for each :math:`\delta` parameter)
* :commit:`1493fb8ccd92eee502b5dea6493a9ac3ef060611`: area computation of polygons
* :commit:`37306bcad7c3945c2e4fc71fdb932e23bd940a1f`: new ``CtcLohner`` contractor with example


* :commit:`1041e3f42f4a8144d84bd43f2bb28f94256f60b5`: changed interface of ``CtcPicard`` contractor


* :commit:`c18cdad6f1aa5c229ad31928eaadf76b81d428bf`: added CAPD - IBEX conversion functions
* Eigen is now a dependency of Codac


Tubex release 3.0.13 (released `Dec 5, 2020 <>`_)

`Commits since previous Tubex release 3.0.12 <>`_

Features added

* :commit:`f56c0764f2021bca657c42f9bcfb95b175690bef`: added ``truncate_tdomain()`` method for ``Tube`` and ``TubeVector`` classes


* :commit:`546de1e941b1217fcb47a205d127f667b3efe7f9`: strong optimization for CN building (using hashcodes for graph exploration)
* :commit:`2f531950481635b48ee12724b865b66d39cec614`: improving Exception messages with contractors (on consistent dimensions)
* :commit:`5b42f856a8c24f18a71a4399b3fe29c99f5ea092`: updated version of ODE integration using CAPD

Bugs fixed

* :commit:`d0b05aba8ba3bebf72e57d7f6d9ae8f45cb261f1`: corrected bug in ``Trajectory`` operations


* :commit:`e039c427b04c51f51078043f334e1c2fdef7c831`: the function ``Fnc::nb_vars()`` is deprecated, use ``Fnc::nb_var()`` instead


Tubex release 3.0.12 (released `Nov 26, 2020 <>`_)

`Commits since previous Tubex release 3.0.11 <>`_

Features added

* :commit:`3ab055196a6c21677702564b004da01663ed7f7a`: ``CtcDelay`` now available in Python


* :commit:`853450470334f9729e8e66c93385c0a15cd2a54c`: throwing explicit exceptions if contractors signatures not compliant in ``ContractorNetwork::add``
* :commit:`9bb0773efd52415cbd819c6dcfb9008a665aee15`: removing the constructor ``Tube(Tube, Interval)`` (may lead to cast errors)
* :commit:`b1548dbe0cbf7baecc73204189754b37f7719c38`: faster implementation of ``CtcDist``


Tubex release 3.0.11 (released `Nov 15, 2020 <>`_)

`Commits since previous Tubex release 3.0.10 <>`_


* :commit:`87bd65c04958acb92bc0d3eadba3baff7693c54c`: throwing exceptions instead of assert error messages (mainly for graphics/serializ/CN)


* added `the FAQ page<sec-faq>`


Tubex release 3.0.10 (released `Oct 31, 2020 <>`_)

`Commits since previous Tubex release 3.0.9 <>`_

Features added

* :commit:`1273605e08f0408f3b4d082a68a8103170744b7a`: new method for merging adjacent slices that are *similar*
* :commit:`72ec9b2aaf6568ed82159dbe927b3931272f727b`: possibility to create ``TrajectoryVector`` or ``TubeVector`` from lists in Python


* :commit:`fc711250036fd8b9c8c46126258690168828cfb0`: improved efficiency of ``CtcDelay``
* :commit:`e806fc217de51399d0a0b56d6ff110bae45e6498`: added error when const domain has changed between two ``add()``


* now available in Python 3.9
* using `IBEX 2.8.9 <>`_
* using `pyIbex 1.9.2 <>`_


Tubex release 3.0.9 (released `Jun 28, 2020 <>`_)

`Commits since previous Tubex release 3.0.8 <>`_

Bugs fixed

* :commit:`26bce8a2f7f2e0077a128c296332b6e326fa6381`: ``Trajectory::make_continuous()``, error encountered in *datasso*
* :commit:`33f3b0db2b3995e18e62316632ccf5a87f6dd2da`: corrected bug in ``RandTrajectory``


* added this changelog page


Tubex releases 3.0.6 -- 3.0.8 (released `Jun 23, 2020 <>`_)

`Commits since previous Tubex release 3.0.5 <>`_

Features added

* added new contractor ``CtcLinobs``
* :commit:`5d7be8a`: predefined value ``oo`` for infinity in C++ (already exists in Python)
* :commit:`92dae58`: added ``Figure::view_box()`` Python binding
* :commit:`2c882a2`: drawing polygons
* Compatibilities with Windows OS (improving compatibilities with macOS)


* :commit:`075104a`: Python binding, ``TubeVector``, removing default value ``n`` in constructor

Bugs fixed

* :commit:`be1c4b5`: ``RandTrajectory``, values were outside bounds
* :commit:`6f78d94`: added *Linobs* example
* :commit:`e19f459`: ``CtcDeriv``, restoring performances of V2 (polygons)


* Lessons E and F
* Install page: Windows/Python
* ``VIBesFigTube``
* updated docstring from XML script
* how to concatenate two boxes


Tubex release 3.0.5 (released `Jun 14, 2020 <>`_)

`Commits since previous Tubex release 3.0.4 <>`_


* :commit:`962c219`: renaming from ``input2index()`` to ``time_to_index()``
* revising whole Python binding
* :commit:`e0a6c64`: ``CtcEval``, removing ``contract()`` methods with const args

Bugs fixed

* :commit:`79fd1f4`: ``VIBesFig::draw_pie``: corrected bug in case of `` == 0``
* :commit:`6febe83`: fixing *datasso* example in Python
* :commit:`193bc95` fixing ``Tools::rand_in_bounds()``


* Lesson C
* inverting ``py`` and ``cpp`` tabs in the manual
* added docstring from XML script


Tubex release 3.0.4 (released `Jun 10, 2020 <>`_)

`Commits since previous Tubex release 3.0.3 <>`_

Features added

* :commit:`40a8ea6`: Python binding, ``abs()`` for any type


* updated Lessons A and B
* table in Install pages with configurations


Tubex release 3.0.3 (released `Jun 7, 2020 <>`_)

`Commits since previous Tubex release 3.0.2 <>`_


* :commit:`10110d5`: optimizing add of ``CtcDeriv`` in CN

Bugs fixed

* :commit:`5934513`: ``VIBesFigMap``, do not crash in case of empty observations


Tubex release 3.0.2 (released `Jun 6, 2020 <>`_)

`Commits since previous Tubex release 3.0.1 <>`_


* :commit:`b1dcd55`: updated arithmetic for Python binding
* :commit:`1b7e4f9`: using ``BoolInterval`` in Python scripts


* updated Lessons A and B
* Install page: Windows/Python
* :commit:`5e3555d`: spell checking


Tubex release 3.0.1 (released `Jun 5, 2020 <>`_)

`Commits since previous Tubex release 3.0.0 <>`_

Features added

* :commit:`16408f9`: shortcut ``oo`` available in codac module
* :commit:`67b1709`: Codac available online with Python


* :commit:`fedbdb0`: pyibex 1.8.1 at least
* :commit:`e6adc26`: using version 2.5.0 of pybind11

Bugs fixed

* :commit:`c8063dd`: ``VIBesFig``, display a point if ``box.max_diam() == 0``


* updated Lessons A and B
* ``CtcDist``, ``CtcFunction`` doc


Previous versions of Tubex

The changelog for versions before 3.0.1 can be found `on GitHub history <>`_.

* Tubex **v3.0** (released `Jun 3, 2020 <>`_)
* Tubex **v2.0** (released `Aug 12, 2019 <>`_)
* Tubex **v1.0** (released `May 5, 2017 <>`_)

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