
Latest version: v1.7.5

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Major Changes
Front end redesign and migration

We've ported the frontend codebase to modern react and merged the previously separate git repositories of the backend and frontend into a single repository called `codalab-worksheets` as a result from now on:
* There's no longer a `codalab-cli` GitHub repo. The old `codalab-cli` repo was renamed to `codalab-worksheets` (with the addition of frontend code). All the old GitHub issues of `codalab-cli` and its commit history are now found in `codalab-worksheets`
* The old `codalab-worksheets` repository is now deprecated and has been renamed to `codalab-worksheets-old`. All relevant issues for the CodaLab Worksheets platform have been moved to the new `codalab-worksheets` repository.
* If you've found an issue with any part of the CodaLab worksheets stack, please consult the codalab-worksheets` repository.
* This shouldn't change anything for end users of the Codalab platform.
* If you're managing your own deployment of Codalab, things have gotten a lot easier for you as the `` script in the repository root now sets up everything including the frontend, and you do not need to track two separate repositories to stay up to date. Please refer to the updated Wiki for more information on deploying your own Codalab Worksheets instance.

Other changes

* Better error message propagation when jobs get killed due to using too much memory
* Ability to limit which GPUs a worker uses by the GPU UUID in addition to the nvidia-smi GPU index
* Improved unicode (non-ASCII) character handling at API endpoints
* Better error message propagation when an instance alias is used on the Web Terminal CLI
* (BREAKING) `cl add` command format change: destination worksheet is now an optional keyword argument that defaults to the current worksheet and not a positional argument (ie where you'd previously use `cl add bundle 0xae12e .` to append a bundle to the current worksheet now you may use `cl add bundle 0xae12e`)
* `cl work` command now prints a web URL to open up the worksheet rather than a Codalab internal parsable string.



* `cl mount` command is now fixed and operational on systems that support FUSE filesystems
* URL based bundle uploads now save the URL to the `source_url` metadata field of the bundle
* When a Codalab worker is initialized with incorrect credentials, it immediately quits with a helpfu error message rather than infinitely looping while throwin indecipherable error messages

Background improvements

* Workers now use the official Docker Python SDK to operate docker rather than an in-house HTTP API wrapper. Expect better docker image handling and fewer issues from workers
* **(backwards incompatible):**Worker now use version 2 of nvidia-docker rather than version 1 as version 1 is deprecated. If you're planning to run your own GPU workers please make sure you have nvidia-docker v2 and not v1. You can upgrade per the instructions [here](


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Minor bugfix release.


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- Make files open in browser instead of download.
- Now can clone repo to Windows machines.
- New CodaLab default docker images
- Worker reliability improvements.


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Worksheets/Server Changes

* Disk and time quotas for run bundles that do not specify them are now set to the total left for the user. Note that if a user starts multiple runs without specifying these quotas and together the runs go over the quota, one of them will fail
* Monitor script is now more lenient with runtime of runs in case they stay staged for a long time.

CLI Changes

* The CLI may now be configured to pass extra HTTP headers with its REST requests. These may be set up in the CodaLab config file.

Worker Bugfixes

* Docker image management fixes: Docker image size limiting process now doesn't touch images actively being used (or expected) by a run. This prevents infinite looping docker image downloads even in pathological cases
* Dependency manager is now more resilient to external filesystem changes and just overwrites if a dependency directory it expects to be empty happens to be there.
* Dependency manager now prunes failed dependencies and retries downloading them if they are requested >10 seconds after the initial failure. This prevents dependency download failures.


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Worker bugfixes
* When the docker container for a run cannot start for a reason (like too little memory requested), the run fails instead of retrying forever
* Rewritten concurrency model in Dependency Manager fixes 929, dependency download speeds should be back to normal. All versions >v0.2.26 and <v0.2.34 are affected from this bug, so if you have any of these versions, please update your worker to 0.2.34

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