* NEW 108: AlekSi made executable names uniques per project instead of globally
* NEW 148: staticfloat added the ability to set benchmark fields when saving results for a new benchmark
* NEW 149, 161: rchikhi and others fixed Django compatibility with versions 1.4-1.6
* NEW 158: smarr added initial travis configuration. Continuous integration is now enabled for Codespeed
* NEW 32: squiddy added option to control display of authors email address
* OPTIMIZATION 98: squiddy greatly reduced the number of necessary queries for getting comparison data, getting down the response time by an order of magnitude
* FIX 86: a8 fixed timeline plot failing when more than 4 series were selected
* FIX 130: alkino fixed migrations 0006 and 0012
* FIX 151: philangist migrated Github integration to API v3
* FIX 85: a8 fixed timeline view on IE