
Latest version: v1.6.19

Safety actively analyzes 665899 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

Scan your dependencies

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- Fixes

- Fix filtering bugs
- Fix mark read/unread bugs
- Fix reader settings not setting properly
- Fix reader images positioning
- Fix minor crash closing books with uninitialized browser app


- Fixes
- Fix sorting for folder view
- Fix import bugs
- Features
- Display sort key value in browse tile
- Display standard image for missing covers
- Slightly more helpful 404 page


- Upload mistake with 0.5.7. This is just a version bump.


- Fixes

- Fix import crashes
- Remove scan locks on startup

- Features
- Allow credits with an empty role
- Pagination of large browse results
- Center comic pages better
- Add download link to browser menu
- Log to files as well as console


- Fixes
- Websocket path security wasn't handling leading slashes well. Skip it.


- Fixes
- Revert to whitenoise 5.1.0 which works with subpaths

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