What's Changed
NOTE OF CAUTION: This release of coffea switches to use the [vector](https://github.com/scikit-hep/vector) backend which has many trivial differences from coffea's original vector class. There is one major functional difference, if you are using `r` to represent cylindrical radius, that is now describe by `rho`. This is usually denoted by particle physicists as `pt` so there shouldn't be many collisions with existing code.
New Features
* feat: add low-pt electrons to NanoAOD methods and schema by ikrommyd in https://github.com/CoffeaTeam/coffea/pull/1121
* feat: Sync the DatasetDiscoveryCLI do_preprocess options with preprocess function by NJManganelli in https://github.com/CoffeaTeam/coffea/pull/1137
* refactor!: back nanoevents.methods.vector with scikit-hep vector by lgray in https://github.com/CoffeaTeam/coffea/pull/991
* fix: depend on vector v1.3.1 + trim down coffea vectors by Saransh-cpp in https://github.com/CoffeaTeam/coffea/pull/1061
* fix: add correct behaviors and projection classes for candidate classes by Saransh-cpp in https://github.com/CoffeaTeam/coffea/pull/1063
* fix: copy behaviors for the remaining vector sub-classes by Saransh-cpp in https://github.com/CoffeaTeam/coffea/pull/1124
* fix: updates from review by Saransh-cpp in https://github.com/CoffeaTeam/coffea/pull/1130
* fix: Revert "fix: updates from review" by Saransh-cpp in https://github.com/CoffeaTeam/coffea/pull/1133
* fix: use the new type signature for copy_behaviors by Saransh-cpp in https://github.com/CoffeaTeam/coffea/pull/1136
* fix: copy_behaviors should be called before class definition by Saransh-cpp in https://github.com/CoffeaTeam/coffea/pull/1152
* chore: bump vector version by Saransh-cpp in https://github.com/CoffeaTeam/coffea/pull/1153
* fix: allow importing `ml_tools` modules without `xgboost` by Saransh-cpp in https://github.com/CoffeaTeam/coffea/pull/1127
* fix: correct coffea version in docs by Saransh-cpp in https://github.com/CoffeaTeam/coffea/pull/1155
* ci(pre-commit): pre-commit autoupdate by pre-commit-ci in https://github.com/CoffeaTeam/coffea/pull/1123
* ci(pre-commit): pre-commit autoupdate by pre-commit-ci in https://github.com/CoffeaTeam/coffea/pull/1126
* ci(pre-commit): pre-commit autoupdate by pre-commit-ci in https://github.com/CoffeaTeam/coffea/pull/1128
* build: pin sphinx < 8 while people are updating packages by lgray in https://github.com/CoffeaTeam/coffea/pull/1145
* ci(pre-commit): pre-commit autoupdate by pre-commit-ci in https://github.com/CoffeaTeam/coffea/pull/1132
* ci: bump actions/attest-build-provenance from 1.3.2 to 1.4.0 by dependabot in https://github.com/CoffeaTeam/coffea/pull/1143
* build: awkward pinned below from 2.6.7 by lgray in https://github.com/CoffeaTeam/coffea/pull/1146
* ci: use python -m pytest due to windows environment change by lgray in https://github.com/CoffeaTeam/coffea/pull/1149
* ci(pre-commit): pre-commit autoupdate by pre-commit-ci in https://github.com/CoffeaTeam/coffea/pull/1150
* ci(fix): remove fetch-tags by lgray in https://github.com/CoffeaTeam/coffea/pull/1154
New Contributors
* NJManganelli made their first contribution in https://github.com/CoffeaTeam/coffea/pull/1137
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/CoffeaTeam/coffea/compare/v2024.6.1...v2024.8.0