
Latest version: v2024.5.7a1

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- GavinHuttley
- jamesmartini
- KatherineCaley


- ValueError if any tips missing in TreeNode.lowest_common_ancestor()
- added index_name argument to Table.to_categorical(), allows specifying the category column and getting the categorical table in one statement.


- DataStore.write() requires identifiers end with indicated suffix
- now works for 2 sequences
- Alignment.degap() now preserves sequence names
- handles paml format
- fast_slow_dist results can now be saved by write_tabular, a DistanceMatrix.source attribute is created on-the-fly by the fast_slow_dist calculator, enabling it be written
- Alignment.variable_positions(), always report a position as variable if > 1 non-gap characters are present
- SequenceCollection.dotplot() method defaults handle single sequence
- app.evo.boostrap() can now be composed,


- change to using flit for package management. This change requires you `python -m pip install flit`. If you clone this repository and want to do a developer install, you should first remove your existing one

$ python -m pip uninstall cogent3


$ flit install -s --python `which python`


- removed WritableZippedDataStore, the zip archive format is inefficient for incremental inclusion of files. Use a tinydb instead.
- replaced interleave_len argument with wrap in sequence format writers
- removed Table.to_rich_html() method, use Table.to_html() instead


- More robust alignment to reference algorithm. Builds a multiple sequence alignment from a series of pairwise alignments to a reference sequence. now retains gaps in the reference. This will be modestly slower than previously, but avoids losing information if the choice of reference sequence is a bad one.
- decorator class, simplifies converting a user defined function into a cogent3 composable app
- JSD calculation now uses more accurate math.fsum()

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