* update `morecantile>=4.1,<5.0` and `rio-tiler>=5.0,<6.0` requirements
* replace `supermercado` with [`supermorecado`](https://github.com/developmentseed/supermorecado) to burn geometries as tiles for different TMS
* update MosaicJSON models to `0.0.3` specification (adds `tilematrixset`, `asset_type`, `asset_prefix`, `data_type`, `colormap` and `layers` attributes)
* allow Mosaic creation using other TileMatrixSet (default is still `WebMercatorQuad`)
* add `tms` support to MosaicBackend to read tile in other TMS than the mosaic TileMatrixSet
Mosaic and output Tile in WebMercatorQuad
with MosaicBackend("mosaic.json") as mosaic:
img, _ = mosaic.tile(0, 0, 0)
Mosaic in WebMercatorQuad (default), output tile in WGS84
WGS1984Quad = morecantile.tms.get("WGS1984Quad")
with MosaicBackend("mosaic.json", tms=WGS1984Quad) as mosaic:
img, _ = mosaic.tile(0, 0, 0)