What's Changed
* fix: notebooks errors by borisarzentar in https://github.com/topoteretes/cognee/pull/565
* fix: test llm connection with gemini by dexters1 in https://github.com/topoteretes/cognee/pull/557
* fix: correctly add nodes to chunks [COG-1370] by lxobr in https://github.com/topoteretes/cognee/pull/568
* test: Parse context pieces separately in MusiqueQAAdapter and adjust tests [cog-1234] by alekszievr in https://github.com/topoteretes/cognee/pull/561
* test: test corpus builder [cog-1234] by alekszievr in https://github.com/topoteretes/cognee/pull/564
* test: Mock file download and open in musique adapter by alekszievr in https://github.com/topoteretes/cognee/pull/571
* fix: entrypoint.sh to not fail on first docker up, improved handling of migrations, signals and errors. by soekja in https://github.com/topoteretes/cognee/pull/546
* teat: quick fix dynamic collection handling in search [COG-1369] by hajdul88 in https://github.com/topoteretes/cognee/pull/567
* feat: use external chunker [cog-1354] by alekszievr in https://github.com/topoteretes/cognee/pull/551
* fix: PostgreSQL database connections by dexters1 in https://github.com/topoteretes/cognee/pull/574
* fix: simplify installation in readme by borisarzentar in https://github.com/topoteretes/cognee/pull/577
* test: answer generation [COG-1234] by alekszievr in https://github.com/topoteretes/cognee/pull/569
* feat: entity completion skeleton [COG-1318] by lxobr in https://github.com/topoteretes/cognee/pull/552
* feat: add experimental cognify pipeline [COG-1293] by lxobr in https://github.com/topoteretes/cognee/pull/541
* feat: add validation to llm env variables by Vasilije1990 in https://github.com/topoteretes/cognee/pull/558
* Test: test eval dashboard generation [COG-1234] by alekszievr in https://github.com/topoteretes/cognee/pull/570
* feat: codegraph improvements and new CODE search [COG-1351] by borisarzentar in https://github.com/topoteretes/cognee/pull/581
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/topoteretes/cognee/compare/v0.1.29...v0.1.30