- Fixed a bug raising a `KeyError` when calling `client.data_modeling.graphql.apply_dml` with an invalid `DataModelingId`.
- Fixed a bug raising `AttributeError` in `SpaceList.to_space_apply_list`, `DataModelList.to_data_model_apply_list`,
`ViewList.to_view_apply`. These methods have also been renamed to `.as_apply` for consistency
with the other data modeling resources.
- The method `.as_apply` from `ContainerApplyList` as this method should be on the `ContainerList` instead.
- Missing `as_ids()` for `DataModelApplyList`, `ContainerList`, `ContainerApplyList`, `SpaceApplyList`, `SpaceList`,
`ViewApplyList`, `ViewList`.
- Added helper method `.as_id` to `DMLApplyResult`.
- Added helper method `.latest_version` to `DataModelList`.
- Added helper method `.as_apply` to `ContainerList`.
- Added container classes `NodeApplyList`, `EdgeApplyList`, and `InstancesApply`.