- [ENH] Add non-openneuro datasets (ABIDE, CORR, ADHD200, Neuromod...). (124 Remi-Gau)
- [ENH] Add Dash app to help browse and visualizse all known datasets.
- [ENH] Improved listing of knonwn datasets to include:
- "scan duration"
- presence of `physio.tsv.gz` or `stim.tsv.gz` files
- presence of a `stimuli` directory
- numbers of the different file formats for EEG, MEG, iEEG
- references and links associated to each dataset
- dataset license
- [FIX] Improve datasets listing for datasets with a mix of session level folders absent or present (for example: `sub-01/meg` and `sub-emptyroom/ses-20221212/meg`)
- [FIX] Make datasets URI more generic. (169 Remi-Gau)
- [FIX] handle datasets with fMRIPrep data in subfolders. (173 Remi-Gau)