What's Changed
* Feature/1741 add debounce to start pipeline button by kalitopix in https://github.com/trendscenter/coinstac/pull/1752
* Bump tough-cookie and sendgrid/mail in /packages/coinstac-api-server by dependabot in https://github.com/trendscenter/coinstac/pull/1756
* Bump semver from 5.7.1 to 5.7.2 in /packages/coinstac-pipeline by dependabot in https://github.com/trendscenter/coinstac/pull/1758
* Bump semver in /packages/coinstac-simulator by dependabot in https://github.com/trendscenter/coinstac/pull/1759
* Bump semver from 6.3.0 to 6.3.1 in /packages/coinstac-client-core by dependabot in https://github.com/trendscenter/coinstac/pull/1760
* Bump semver from 7.3.5 to 7.5.4 in /packages/coinstac-server by dependabot in https://github.com/trendscenter/coinstac/pull/1762
* Bump semver from 5.7.1 to 5.7.2 in /packages/coinstac-container-manager by dependabot in https://github.com/trendscenter/coinstac/pull/1763
* Bump semver from 5.7.1 to 5.7.2 in /coinstac-docs by dependabot in https://github.com/trendscenter/coinstac/pull/1766
* Bump semver from 6.3.0 to 6.3.1 in /packages/coinstac-api-server by dependabot in https://github.com/trendscenter/coinstac/pull/1767
* Bump semver from 5.7.1 to 5.7.2 in /packages/coinstac-desktop-app by dependabot in https://github.com/trendscenter/coinstac/pull/1768
* Bump word-wrap from 1.2.3 to 1.2.4 by dependabot in https://github.com/trendscenter/coinstac/pull/1771
* Feature/1744 vault description and roi list by rssk in https://github.com/trendscenter/coinstac/pull/1795
* Feature/1802 forgot username by kalitopix in https://github.com/trendscenter/coinstac/pull/1812
* Feature/1181 download results automate by kalitopix in https://github.com/trendscenter/coinstac/pull/1813
* debounce main render tree by rssk in https://github.com/trendscenter/coinstac/pull/1825
* Revert "debounce main render tree" by rssk in https://github.com/trendscenter/coinstac/pull/1826
* trigger apollo refetch on permission changes by rssk in https://github.com/trendscenter/coinstac/pull/1824
* Fix/1819 private consortia selection issue by kalitopix in https://github.com/trendscenter/coinstac/pull/1827
* Feature/1735 create reusable test library by kalitopix in https://github.com/trendscenter/coinstac/pull/1749
* Fix/1581 crash on mapping screen by kalitopix in https://github.com/trendscenter/coinstac/pull/1603
* Feature/1471 user account management admin tool by kalitopix in https://github.com/trendscenter/coinstac/pull/1490
* Feature/1609 allow setting no active pipeline by kalitopix in https://github.com/trendscenter/coinstac/pull/1613
* Feature/1605 add map save check by kalitopix in https://github.com/trendscenter/coinstac/pull/1684
* Fix/1715 active member status issue by kalitopix in https://github.com/trendscenter/coinstac/pull/1721
* Bump engine.io from 6.4.1 to 6.4.2 in /packages/coinstac-desktop-app by dependabot in https://github.com/trendscenter/coinstac/pull/1722
* Bump http-cache-semantics from 4.1.0 to 4.1.1 in /coinstac-docs by dependabot in https://github.com/trendscenter/coinstac/pull/1727
* Bump json5 from 2.2.1 to 2.2.3 in /coinstac-docs by dependabot in https://github.com/trendscenter/coinstac/pull/1729
* Bump sideway/formula from 3.0.0 to 3.0.1 in /coinstac-docs by dependabot in https://github.com/trendscenter/coinstac/pull/1730
* Bump ua-parser-js from 0.7.32 to 0.7.35 in /coinstac-docs by dependabot in https://github.com/trendscenter/coinstac/pull/1728
* Bump webpack from 5.75.0 to 5.83.1 in /coinstac-docs by dependabot in https://github.com/trendscenter/coinstac/pull/1731
* Bump socket.io-parser from 3.4.2 to 3.4.3 in /packages/coinstac-images/coinstac-base by dependabot in https://github.com/trendscenter/coinstac/pull/1732
* Bump tree-kit from 0.7.4 to 0.7.5 in /packages/coinstac-simulator by dependabot in https://github.com/trendscenter/coinstac/pull/1820
* Bump apollo-server-core from 2.25.3 to 2.26.2 in /packages/coinstac-api-server by dependabot in https://github.com/trendscenter/coinstac/pull/1821
* Bump socket.io-parser and socket.io in /packages/coinstac-container-manager by dependabot in https://github.com/trendscenter/coinstac/pull/1823
* Bump postcss from 8.4.19 to 8.4.31 in /coinstac-docs by dependabot in https://github.com/trendscenter/coinstac/pull/1832
* Bump babel/traverse from 7.12.17 to 7.23.2 in /packages/coinstac-pipeline by dependabot in https://github.com/trendscenter/coinstac/pull/1837
* Bump babel/traverse from 7.12.17 to 7.23.2 in /packages/coinstac-container-manager by dependabot in https://github.com/trendscenter/coinstac/pull/1838
* Bump babel/traverse from 7.14.7 to 7.23.2 in /packages/coinstac-api-server by dependabot in https://github.com/trendscenter/coinstac/pull/1839
* Bump babel/traverse from 7.16.3 to 7.23.2 by dependabot in https://github.com/trendscenter/coinstac/pull/1840
* Bump babel/traverse from 7.18.2 to 7.23.2 in /packages/coinstac-client-core by dependabot in https://github.com/trendscenter/coinstac/pull/1842
* Bump babel/traverse from 7.20.1 to 7.23.2 in /coinstac-docs by dependabot in https://github.com/trendscenter/coinstac/pull/1843
* Bump babel/traverse from 7.20.13 to 7.23.2 in /packages/coinstac-simulator by dependabot in https://github.com/trendscenter/coinstac/pull/1845
* Bump babel/traverse from 7.12.17 to 7.23.2 in /packages/coinstac-desktop-app by dependabot in https://github.com/trendscenter/coinstac/pull/1846
* Bump babel/traverse from 7.5.5 to 7.23.2 in /packages/coinstac-images/coinstac-base by dependabot in https://github.com/trendscenter/coinstac/pull/1847
* Bump crypto-js from 4.1.1 to 4.2.0 in /packages/coinstac-desktop-app by dependabot in https://github.com/trendscenter/coinstac/pull/1850
* Bump postcss from 8.4.23 to 8.4.31 in /packages/coinstac-desktop-app by dependabot in https://github.com/trendscenter/coinstac/pull/1851
* Bump got, docusaurus/core and docusaurus/preset-classic in /coinstac-docs by dependabot in https://github.com/trendscenter/coinstac/pull/1854
* Fix/consortia search by kalitopix in https://github.com/trendscenter/coinstac/pull/1829
* Bump trim, docusaurus/core and docusaurus/preset-classic in /coinstac-docs by dependabot in https://github.com/trendscenter/coinstac/pull/1855
* Bump axios from 0.21.2 to 1.6.0 in /packages/coinstac-api-server by dependabot in https://github.com/trendscenter/coinstac/pull/1856
* Bump axios from 0.21.2 to 1.6.0 in /packages/coinstac-server by dependabot in https://github.com/trendscenter/coinstac/pull/1857
* Bump axios from 0.21.2 to 1.6.0 in /packages/coinstac-client-server by dependabot in https://github.com/trendscenter/coinstac/pull/1858
* Bump axios from 0.21.4 to 1.6.0 in /packages/coinstac-client-core by dependabot in https://github.com/trendscenter/coinstac/pull/1859
* Bump axios from 0.21.4 to 1.6.0 in /packages/coinstac-simulator by dependabot in https://github.com/trendscenter/coinstac/pull/1860
* Bump axios from 0.21.4 to 1.6.0 in /packages/coinstac-desktop-app by dependabot in https://github.com/trendscenter/coinstac/pull/1861
* Bump axios from 0.21.4 to 1.6.0 in /packages/coinstac-vault-client by dependabot in https://github.com/trendscenter/coinstac/pull/1862
* Feature/1702 password reset with email or username by kalitopix in https://github.com/trendscenter/coinstac/pull/1703
* Feature/1725 restrict pipeline view by kalitopix in https://github.com/trendscenter/coinstac/pull/1726
* Feature/1751 e2e tests logging improvement by kalitopix in https://github.com/trendscenter/coinstac/pull/1755
* Fix/1810 go to home after pipeline started by kalitopix in https://github.com/trendscenter/coinstac/pull/1814
* Fixed handling of data so that the extra/unnecessary rows no longer a… by pixelsaurus in https://github.com/trendscenter/coinstac/pull/1817
* Fix/1835 pipeline timeout edit issue by kalitopix in https://github.com/trendscenter/coinstac/pull/1836
* Fix/1863 remove other computations from computations tab by kalitopix in https://github.com/trendscenter/coinstac/pull/1866
* Bump debug from 4.1.1 to 4.3.4 in /packages/coinstac-simulator by dependabot in https://github.com/trendscenter/coinstac/pull/1865
* Added support for uploading ASEG file to population FreeSurfer selections in Pipeline by pixelsaurus in https://github.com/trendscenter/coinstac/pull/1844
* Bump get-func-name from 2.0.0 to 2.0.2 in /packages/coinstac-desktop-app by dependabot in https://github.com/trendscenter/coinstac/pull/1867
* Bump axios and wait-on in /coinstac-docs by dependabot in https://github.com/trendscenter/coinstac/pull/1864
* Feature/1868 left nav change container type by kalitopix in https://github.com/trendscenter/coinstac/pull/1869
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/trendscenter/coinstac/compare/v6.7.6...v6.8.0