- Bug fixes: - The Poetry configuration section is now named `[tools.colcon-poetry-ros]` to match the project's actual name - Features: - The `colcon_poetry_ros.dependencies.install` command now installs dependencies into Colcon's install base directory instead of globally
- Bug fixes: - Poetry dependencies are no longer installed by default while building. This behavior can be restored with the `--install-dependencies` flag. - Features: - Added a script for installing Poetry dependencies that can be run before the build. It can be accessed by running `python3 -m colcon_poetry_ros.dependencies.install`.
- Features: - Directories with `pyproject.toml` files are ignored if they don't also have a `package.xml` file, reducing false positives during package discovery - Bug fixes: - Ignore directories when searching for script files (See 9) - Remove Poetry's destination directory between builds (See 8)
- Bug fixes: - Fixed PyPI deployment issue
- Bugfixes: - Only run the package augmenter hook on Poetry packages