Fixed - Make sure coldtype.drawbot does not require skia-python (via incorrect import) - try/except for filmjitter in coldtype.raster - Don’t enable audio if audio can’t be enabled (print instructions on enabling audio instead)
Huge update, attempting to future proof things Added - External dependency on coldtype/fontgoggles fork (instead of out-of-date inlined fontgoggles fork) Fixed - Gonna be honest — fixed lots of stuff, should’ve been writing down what I was fixing!
Added - `Rect.fit_aspect` for easily getting an aspect inscribed by a rect - version lock on python-bidi
Added - `use_skia_pathops_draw=False` kwarg override for `P.removeOverlap` to make sure we don't get all-off-curve+None quadratics in situations where we don't know how to convert that to cubics (i.e. in Blender)
Fixed - Spec <=0.4.2 for python-bidi since 0.5.0 is beefed
Fixed - High quality filter support for skia > m87