Breaking changes:
- Remove the ``cache_time`` setting and replace it with ``cache_enabled``.
- collectionsearch.pt: changed view attribute ``header_title`` to ``title``.
- Depend on plone.app.contenttypes.
All target collections must provide ``plone.app.contenttypes.behaviors.collection.ICollection`` interface.
The ``result`` method will be callend on this behavior adapter.
- There is a implicit dependency to Font Awesome for the filter tile edit links.
That has to be revisited to make it work out of the box.
- Modernized markup for easier styling
- Optimize the cache key by including the current language, user roles instead of id and the database counter.
- Remove the view_name part when populating the browser history with filter changes.
The view_name part is for loading specific AJAX tiles, but should probably not be displayed.
- Add filter and search tiles.
- Add a ``sort_key_function`` key to the IQueryModifier dict to allow for a different sort key function when sorting the values.
- Add a ``index_modifier`` key to the IQueryModifier indexes dict to allow transforming of index search values.
For ``KeywordIndex`` indices the index_modifier is automatically set to encode the value to utf-8.
- Add a ``value_blacklist`` key to the IQueryModifier indexes dict to allow blacklisting of individual index values.
- Add ``view_name`` configuration parameter to call a special result listing view.
This can be used to call a tile instead to call the whole context view.
- Add ``content_selector`` configuration parameter to choose a DOM node from the source to inject into the target.
- Ensure early exit on the content filter traverse handler if it is not needed to run.
- Make backwards compatible with Plone 5.0
[nngu6036, instification]
Bug fixes:
- When reloading the collection in JavaScript, use the content selector's parent as base to trigger events on.
The content selector itself is replaced and events cannot be catched.
- Register the bundle compile files as ``collectionfilter-bundle-compiled.js`` and ``collectionfilter-bundle-compiled.css``, so that using ``plone-compile-resources`` results in the same files.
See: https://github.com/plone/Products.CMFPlone/issues/2437
- Sort the filter value list for filter title instead filter value.
- fix collectionsearch portlet
- when providing a custom `IGroupByCriteria` adapter, fallback to title sorted values if no sort_key_function is given.