- Let the folderish types derive from Products.ATContentTypes ATFolder instead of plone.app.folder's implementation. It inherits some i18n classes. This fixes the issue that on translation of folderish types LinguaPlone's translation view wasn't shown. [thet]
- Give the original, non-folderish types another title, so that they can be easily kept apart from the folderish ones. [thet]
- For folderish events, move the location field back to the main schemata. [thet]
- Allow discussions from plone.app.discussion on Folderish Types. [thet]
- CSS fix [rnix]
- Removed folderish=True when finalizing the schema, which prevented relateditems from being displayed. Updated import to plone.app.folder. [agitator]
- Fix meta types in FTI to follow consistent conventions. [rnixx]
- For Folderish Event, use plone.app.event's ATEvent implementation if available. [thet]
- Add a custom style class for the contextual contents portlet based on the portlet's name. [thet]