* fix unauthorized error in edit forms using FinderSelectWidget when user
don't have the permission to access some referenced contents. In this case
object is not removed from list, but a message is displayed in place of object title :
'%s : %s ' %(_(u"You don't have permission to access this object"),uid)
* added : close window when self.multiselect = False or self.forcecloseonsinsert = False
* fix selectItem when there were quotes in titles
* added a base attribute to reference widget used for finder opening folder.
* use unicode chars for up and down arrows in reference widget.
* allow change imagetypes using request and referencewidget
* added a generated css for plone3 content-types icons
* added new property self.filestypes in browser
* added mime-type icons for filestypes in finder
* FinderSelectWidget : do not raise an error anymore when object is not found
but just returns a message in place of title (object with uid doesn't exist)
* Fix regression on allowupload (was never allowed)
macadames - 2010/07/21
* Fix enable/disable browsing using request or self.browse = False
macadames - 2010/07/22
* no search on another path, when browsing is disable
macadames - 2010/07/22
* title fields added to multiple upload using jquery.uploadify
macadames - 2010/07/24
* authentication for flash upload is done using cookie
when possible (same method as collective.uploadify)
otherwise using a ticket (method PloneFlashUpload)
macadames - 2010/07/28
* use standard archetypes method "invokeFactory", to
create new objects using uploaded files, to respect
the complete plone createObject process.
macadames - 2010/07/28
* added new mediaupload key in request to set content-type
for upload (very useful with jquery.uploadify)
macadames - 2010/07/28
* improve jquery.uploadify process with errors handling
macadames - 2010/07/29
* added new css class required to show icons on plone4
macadames - 2010/07/31
* fix upload buttons styles on plone4
macadames - 2010/07/31
* fix some css styles on Plone3 or Plone4 + classic Theme
macadames - 2010/07/31
* design improvements
macadames - 2010/07/31
* french translation in progress
macadames - 2010/07/31
* use InavigationRoot for the finder root no more IPloneSiteRot
macadames - 2010/08/01
* design improvements
blue is the new color
macadames - 2010/08/01
* added new view attributes root and rootpath
used to change the browser root
macadames - 2010/08/02
* Added a real left navigation tree
macadames - 2010/08/02
* replace persistent objects in attribute views
by a data dict ie self.data['root'] in place of self.root
macadames - 2010/08/04
* use topic queryCatalog when the scope is a topic
macadames - 2010/08/04
* added support for z3c.autoinclude
macadames - 2010/08/20