
Latest version: v0.5

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- Nothing changed yet.



- Add ````

- Add ``Products.CMFPlone`` as dependency for Plone4.1+.

- Added compatibility IImageScaleTraversable.



- Fixed plone41 compatibility.



- Added missing 0.2 and 0.3 versions changeset entries.

- Added scale field to make it possible to have images of different sizes on
portlet, before this scale was hardcoded to mini size, added appropriate test.

- Added danish (da) translation.

- Added backwards-compatibility to constructor.



- Major code cleanup.

- Based links-field on



- Some code style cleanups and proper use of our own MessageFactory.

- Added a proper check for text, since its a kupu/wysiwyg field len(text) is not enough

- First css / markup shoot - added support for local css and changed portlet markup to
take care of the various list links styles

- Improved the functional test for adding the rich portlet. Now the adding
portlet part in the plone portlet management made straight with the test.browser

- Links css styles dictionary implemented to make it possible to get various
looks for the list of links

- Change links list into are more *simple* approach - it got a bit confused
with 3 separate lists for creating a links list. Lets work further with
*one* links list - though this requires that the content provider is more
keen on writing up the url "url:title:description"

- Separate read / more url for portlet header / footer

- Cleaning up to get the copied stuff from plone.portlet.static to work inside plone.portlet.static

- Org. files from the wysiwyg branch of plone.portlet.static
We are especially interested in the wysiwyg text filed though this requires a
special branch of


- Initial package structure.



Has known vulnerabilities

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